Apr 30, 2018

Satan's Mistress (1982)

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The Class Reunion (1972)

The film is written by Ed Wood, Jr., but truth be told, there's not much writing here.  Unlike Plan 9 from Outer Space, where he seemed to shoot for the stars (and subsequently failed in dramatic fashion), this is just an excuse to see people screw.   Starring some familiar faces of seventies softcore: Rene Bond, Sandy Carey, and even Marsha Jordan.  Let's take a look...

Apr 29, 2018

Disconnected (1984)

From the guy that brought you Psychos in Love, comes this predecessor to Dial:Help, featuring some nice scenes inside a video rental store.  Let's have a look...

Apr 28, 2018

Oddly Coupled (1970)

"She had to prove that she could destroy any man... destroy him with her unyielding passion!"  Of course that tag line bears no resemblance to the actual film, but points for effort.  It's more like a cross between John Waters and Russ Myers... and if you love sleazy, campy cult movies, you know that's a winning combination.

Apr 27, 2018

Time Barbarians (1991)

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Apr 19, 2018

The Burning (1981)

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Apr 15, 2018

Sexy Baby (1968)

Unruhige Töchter (original title) which translates to Restless Daughters.

Sassy Sue (1973)

"Junior Comes Of Age - and 'SASSY SUE' Makes Him Love It!" - a Bethel Buckalew skin flick in the vein of The Pigkeeper's Daughter.

Massage Parlor Murders (1973)

"Your pleasure is their business!"

Space Thing (1968)

Trust me, the Space Thing movie is nowhere near as explicit as the movie poster would have you believe.  It doesn't take itself too seriously; fully self-aware of its major league campiness.

Haunting Fear (1990)

This one holds a special place in my heart.  In college, I was at a friend's trailer waiting for him to get ready to go out for some fun and do typical college age shenanigans.  As I waited, I turned on Skinemax and this film was on.  My eyes beheld Jan Michael Vincent, Michael Berryman, Karen Black and Scream Queen Brinke Stevens -  I couldn't believe the luck!

Unfortunately, it was soon time to head out...... and I was unable to find this film for years to come.  I searched video stores to no avail.  Years later, I checked Netflix, with no luck.  Thankfully, I was able, just recently, to find a copy and continue where I left off back in 1991.

Steel and Lace (1991)

A woman reanimated by her mad scientist brother is back for revenge.  Starring David "I'm a Pepper" Naughton and Squiggy from Laverne & Shirley.

Africa Erotica (1970)

Africa Erotica - "A Happening in Africa", a French sexploitation flick which "strips away inhibitions to openly show that love and the act of love are not elements to be hidden from the camera."

Apr 14, 2018

Ghoulies 3 - Ghoulies Go To College (1991)

"Out of the bowl... and TOTALLY out of control!"   We reviewed Ghoulies Part 4; I guess we're working our way backward.

Sessomatto (1973)

Sessomatto (AKA How Funny Can Sex Be?) is a hilarious (albeit tasteless) Italian sex comedy in nine parts. No real nudity to speak of; however, the content of the stories are pretty risque. The reason to watch is the two actors who star in all nine parts: Giancarlo Giannini, obviously a comic genius, and Laura Antonelli who is a stone cold fox, and pretty funny as well.

The Big Switch (1968)

The Big Switch (AKA Strip Poker) - Playboy John Carter is implicated in the murder of a blonde from a discotheque and is forced by gangsters into posing for pornographic photographs.

Psychos in Love (1987)

"A deliciously wicked comedy" about a serial killer couple who fall in love. "An original made-for-video feature film - too gory for the silver screen".

Apr 10, 2018

The Reincarnation of Isabel (1973)

Original title: Riti, magie nere e segrete orge nel trecento. (AKA Black Magic Rites)

A psychedelic satanic tale which makes precious little sense, but it doesn't matter.  You'll just enjoy the trippy demonic visuals, gothic-a-go go vibe of the whole bastshit crazy affair.

The Nymph Tapes (1973)

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Apr 9, 2018

Flossie (1974)

Marie Forså gets naked.  A lot.  That's all you need to know; let's give this one a whirl.

Apr 7, 2018

The Man Who Couldn't Get Enough (1974)

AKA Confessions of a Sex Maniac - "They said that if he didn't stop he'd go blind!"

Bedtime Stories for Grownups (1975)

Wenn die prallen Möpse hüpfen (original title) AKA Intimate Playmates
"Beautiful young girls who have everything . . . for the man who wants it all!"

Apr 6, 2018

Spellcaster (1988)

"His magic is evil.  His spell is deadly. His power... complete.  Spellcaster: He knows what you fear."

Night of the Howling Beast (1975)

"You feel your heart pounding, You know it's out there, you can't scream, now it's at your throat"

Apr 5, 2018

Angel Above Devil Below (1974)

"She Paid the Ultimate Price for Her Curiosity!"  A woman's vagina becomes possessed by satan; hilarity ensues.

Apr 4, 2018

The Cool Surface (1993)

"Welcome to Hollywood, where danger and desire are the name of the game... and everyone's a player."

Death Race 2000 (1975)

In the year 2000, hit and run driving  is no longer a felony.  It's a national sport!