Mar 31, 2022

The Hour of Fear (1986)

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Mind Twister (1993)


An early Erotic Thriller by the one and only Fred Olen Ray, featuring faces of the seventies, Telly Savalas and Richard Roundtree.

The Horror Convention Massacre (2007)


A Cleveland horror convention is plagued by a real life horror - a homicidal maniac is loose in the convention center.

Rolls-Royce Baby (1975)

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Curse of the Cat Woman (1991)


Written and directed by John Leslie; it's a follow up to Cat Woman (1988) which is supposed to be one of the greatest adult films, but I haven't seen it yet.  So, there's this underground world consisting of cat people and hyena people (and maybe other human-animals I'm not aware of).  They hang out at clubs and look sexy and screw like... well, animals.

Easter Casket (2013)


Dustin MillsSkinless (2013) was okay, but it was interesting enough to warrant looking into some more of his films - especially considering the praise he gets from genre fans. This film presents the easter bunny as a demon waging war on the catholic church due to a ban on the pagan easter traditions. 

Skinless (2013)


(AKA The Ballad of Skinless Pete) A mad scientist uses his unorthodox cancer cure on himself, which turns him into a human-parasite hybrid.  Kinda like Cronenberg's The Fly... well, actually almost exactly like that movie.

Mar 26, 2022

Let's Do It! (1982)


A teen sex comedy about a guy that can't maintain an erection because he was breastfed too long.  

The Coroner (1999)

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Nightbeast (1982)


Follow-up to the Baltimore cult classic The Alien Factor notable for the fact that J. J. Abrams worked on the film as a 16-year-old. 

Chloroformed And Cloned Co-Ed (1998)


Believe it or not, I actually saw this back around 1999.  At the time I didn't know what the hell I was watching.  My trash movie skills were not as honed as they are today; I had no idea who Tina Krause was.  I just saw this in a stack of VHS tapes at a flea market.  It didn't have the cover above; in fact, it had only a plain white sleeve. Given the title, I was expecting something like Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers or Sorority Babes in the Slime Bowl-o-Rama. Instead, I get something that looks like a home video... like someone rented a camcorder and just filmed around their own shitty house.  Weirder still, it felt like a fetish film because Krause keeps getting abused. Again, you can believe it or not, but I threw the damn thing in the garbage.  Clearly not the sleaze connoisseur I am today.  But as awful as it was, I still remember it because it was so damn weird - and, to be truthful, felt a little unsettling.  Back then, I couldn't just look up Tina Krause on IMDb; it was more of a mystery, adding to the unsettling vibe which ultimately made it bound for the trashcan. 

Mar 24, 2022

Undercover Sex (2003)


Beverly Lynne-o-thon continues with this cop-goes-undercover-as-a-stripper movie.  There were a ton of these movies (Stripped to Kill is probably the most well known, but there were seemingly millions of others in the nineties; ex. The Lady in Blue (1996)). It was a genre unto itself, with slight variations to the trope: Dance with Death (1992) had a reporter undercover as a stripper, Undercover Heat (1995) had a cop going undercover as a whore, Deviant Obsession (2002) had a lawyer undercover as a stripper... and so on.  

Super Ninja Doll (2007)


Beverly Lynne-o-thon continues with this Fred Olen Ray flick featuring his usual troupe for a take on yet another genre. In the early 2000s, FOR used Lynne, Nguyen, Sheridan, Parent and others in his Retromedia productions to make softcore erotica based on a variety of genres including spy films, vampire flicks, westerns, and now Japanese tokusatsu. I mean, pornos had been spoofing mainstream media for decades; FOR just use the same philosophy for softcore. 

Personals II: (2001)

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The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful (2004)


Beverly Lynne-o-thon continues with another Fred Olen Ray flick where Nicole Sheridan inherits a ghost town which contains a hidden silver mine. 

Mar 22, 2022

Voodoo Dollz (2008)


Beverly Lynne-o-thon continues with this Fred Olen Ray flick about a reform school led by practitioners of voodoo.

Haunting Desires (2004)


Continuing the Beverly Lynne-o-thon with this Fred Olen Ray vampire flick.

Emmanuelle vs. Dracula (2003)


Emmanuelle holds a bachelorette party which gets crashed by a sex crazed vampire. Soon all the bridesmaids are vampires as well - and it's up to Emmanuelle to fight the undead.

Twilight Vamps (2010)


Another Fred Olen Ray jam with his usual troupe including Brandin Rackley, Christine Nguyen and Beverly Lynne.

Bikini Royale (2008)


Fred Olen Ray flick featuring Beverly Lynne as a B.I.K.I.N.I. agent.  Fans of Lynne will definitely want to check this one out as Lynne is basically completely naked and getting pounded (well, poundee or pounder) throughout. I know what you're thinking - Lynne always gets naked in her films.  What's the big deal?  Yeah, um. all I can say is this one's special. I don't know if Lynne was feeling particularly carefree and loose, or FOR put a little something extra in that paycheck. Whatever the reason - day-umm the results are top shelf. 

Polycarp (2007)


This was retitled "Kinky Killers" which is much funner, but doesn't at all fit this boring, convoluted film which takes itself very seriously.

Babes 2: Lost in Beaver Creek (2002)


A twin sister goes missing.  In order to find her, they have hire a psychic and have lots and lots of sex.

Demon's Kiss (2002)

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Jesse's Secret Desires (2006)


This Natasja Vermeer Emmanuelle series drives me a little bit crazy.  I understand that there have been a million Emmanuelle movies (under all manner of spelling), often not even tangentially connected to the OG series.  However, these are particularly frustrating because they are decent movies in and of themselves (at least as late night cable standards go), and the Vermeer bits are more-or-less just pasted in to give it the faux Emmanuelle connection.  In other words, remove the Vermeer cut-and-paste portions, and you have a solid movie completely independent of the titular character.  I'm not even really sure which came first - in this case, was this originally a stand-alone Beverly Lynne erotic thriller which then got the Vermeer parts added in for later DVD release?  Or maybe it was a simultaneous thing, as Lynne shares scenes with Vermeer and it looks like it was shot around the same time.  Who know, and I guess who really cares?  Let's have a look.

Mar 20, 2022

Blood Voyage (1976)


 Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip that started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship. The mate was a psychically scarred Vietnam vet, and the captain killed right away. Five passengers set sail that day for a trip to Hawaii. The murderer started killing folks, and the tiny ship was fucked. With the psychiatrist, his trophy wife, his stepdaughter with huge boobs, an Asian drug addict. Here on the Blood Voyage!

Midnight Intruders (1973)

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Blood Feast 2: All U Can Eat (2002)


H.G. Lewis follows up his landmark Blood Feast (1963) with maximum camp.  Featuring the same old gore, but with a generous dose of silliness. 

Hookers in a Haunted House (1999)


This is one of those times where, if you know the title, then you know the entire plot.  There are hookers in a haunted house - that's all that's really going on here, but let's dive in anyway...

Cadaver Bay (2003)


Low energy horror flick about a girl who brings her sister back from the dead.

Mar 17, 2022

Dolls for Sale (1972)


(Original Title: Les ebranlées) This is an interesting find, and I must be missing something.  It's a Jesús Franco movie featuring his main players of the day: Howard VernonAnne LibertMontserrat Prous, and Kali Hansa. Yet, all I could find was this poor quality tape with very little information about it.  Perhaps there's a good quality version out there with a different title? Whatever the case, beggars can't be choosers and I had to take a look.

Vampire Vixens from Venus (1995)


A pretty fun campy sci-fi flick which really feels like it belongs in the eighties.  Three aliens land on earth, transform into hot women, and proceed to "drain" the human populace.  The only catch is - they can only drain when the humans are aroused, otherwise they derive no nutrients. Hey, I don't make the rules.

Bloodbath in the House of Knives (2010)


A low budget film which mimics the giallo style of old.  Maybe not achieving the giallo mojo, but points for trying.

Hot Vampire Nights (2000)


A vampire calls in to a late night radio show and describes her various sexual encounters.  Yeah, it's basically just four vampire sex scenes with 0.0 plot. Like, the lowest a temperature can go is 0 Kelvin.  The lowest a plot can go is Hot Vampire Nights.  We should rate all movies on the HVN scale.

Flesh for Olivia (2002)

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Green River Killer (2005)


There have been some really well made movies of late dealing with serial killers.  The Clovehitch Killer (2018), Zodiac (2007), My Friend Dahmer (2017)... this isn't one of them; Green River Killer falls squarely in the exploitation genre, along the lines of The Hillside Strangler (2004).

Mar 13, 2022

Evil Sister 2 (2001)


Well, I really enjoyed Evil Sister (1996), but didn't think it was well-known enough to warrant a sequel - especially five years later. In fact, I thought it was more-or-less a lost film without even an IMDb entry until recently.  Whatever the case, they decided to make a sequel.  In this one, again we have the evil sister (hence the title), but she's not possessed by a satanic succubus - rather, she's tormented by her past.

The Gore Gore Girls (1972)


Back when I ran a much more popular and less self-indulgent blog, I reviewed The Gore Gore Girls in the voice of Henry James.  Why have the noted literary giant from the 1800s review  a piece of crap B-movie? No idea; just felt like it.  So, here's the author of The Bostonians and The Turn of the Screw. graciously lending his skills with the written word to review the B movie classic, The Gore Gore Girls. Take it away, Henry!

The Bikini Escort Company (2006)


A Fred Olen Ray jam about three failing college co-eds who must complete one final project in order to graduate: take a worthless business and make it successful. But no prostitution. The 3 co-eds have a brilliant idea of reviving an old ramshackle car wash. So, yeah like Bikini Carwash Company, The (1992), Bikini Drive-In (1995), Bikini Bistro (1995) and a million other films.

Emmanuelle's Intimate Encounters (2000)

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Tight Spot (1996)


Gary Graver film based on the Orson Welles film Mr. Arkadin (1955). 

Graveyard of the Dead (2007)


(Original Title: El Retorno de los Templarios) A Spanish film obviously inspired by Amando de Ossorio's Blind Dead series. Templars rise from the dead and attack partiers.

Mar 11, 2022

Blood Sisters of Lesbian Sin (1997)


A vampire hunter and occultist do-gooder called "The Monk" must fight three women who each possess a piece of the Hellstone.

Feast (1992)


This has a very similar vibe as the early eighties cannibal dark comedy, Microwave Massacre.  Two goofy middle aged guys bumble their way through murders and eating their victims. 

Shock-O-Rama (2005)


A horror anthology which, despite its low budget, really looks good - with that lurid Creepshow vibe that we love so much. 

Busty Cops 2 (2006)


In our review of Busty Cops (2004) I said "Wynorski was dropped all pretense of telling a story and just pasted together a bunch of nude scenes. While the T&A is off the charts, it's all empty calories." I having a suspicion that that'll be the case even more so with the sequel. Let's watch and see. [Also see: Busty Cops: Protect and Serve (2009) and Busty Cops: Jewel of Denial (2010)]

Dangerous Love (1981)

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Mar 6, 2022

Dirty O'Neil (1974)


Jimmy O'Neill is a cop in a small Texas town.  There's not much to do other than bang every girl in the county.  Until one day a gang of murderous rapists come to town.

Pieces (1982)


I'm not quite sure how this Spanish slasher got to be so well known (and well loved) in the US.  It was actually my first exposure to the European variety which had it's direct origins in giallo.  In 1986 a friend at school invited me over to watch what he said was his favorite horror movie.  And so we watched Pieces.  He and my other friend got bored halfway through and left to toss the football in the backyard, but I was all-in, and finished to the end.  I'd never seen anything like it.  It was just like a million other american slashers; however, it had this odd vibe about it, an unintentional absurdity, that gave it a very different feel.  Perhaps it was among the first of the Euro slashers to land on video store shelves in wide release.  Whatever the case, this unlikely movie became a favorite for eighties teens in the US. 

Invitation to Ruin (1968)/ The Invitation (1975)


Never has there been a more pointless reworking of a movie than The Invitation (1975). They took Invitation to Ruin (1968) and added godawful hardcore material and sleepy dialog.  I guess it allowed them to repackage an already sleazy movie for seventies grindhouse audiences.  The '68 involves a pick-up artist hired to bring girls to a sex slavery operation.  The '75 film features the same pick-up artist years later as he's investigated by the police.  The two stories are told (confusingly) simultaneously.

Passion's Peak (2002)


A woman inherits a cabin in the mountains which she turns into a bed and breakfast. Various guest arrive and have fantastic looking simulated sex.  The woman's ex-boyfriend is a total douche bag and tries to sabotage her new business.