Well gang, I've genuinely enjoyed sharing my journey of plowing through literally thousands of trashy movies with you all. But it's looking like it's time to sign off.
I don't have a presence in any other social media so it's not like I can just redirect you to another platform. This is it. Those of you who have been following this site the past year may understand why it's time to turn off the lights.
A quick recap: I was posting pretty consistently with little to no pause for several years, cruising through a few thousand films. Then I started having posts taken down, and then finally the whole site was offline. After a time, I ended up able to post to this domain - but it seemed like using AI filters was the only way to avoid the censor, but that meant starting from scratch. Then, out of nowwhere I get like a thousand gmails saying the posts were reinstated (most of them).
Okay, so seemed like we were back in action - and thank you for all the congrats I received. But every now and I again I get hit with a post being taken down, and I'm just sick of it. It's sucking out all the fun and making this feel like work.
Add to that a very alarming political climate - and legislation in states like Texas where sites are threatened with hefty fines - it just ain't worth it anymore, folks.
Things may change, and I still "own" this domain name, so maybe I'll hop back in down the road. But it doesn't look particularly promising. I'll leave this post up a few days so you don't just suddenly find this site down with no farewell. I really do appreciate the many thousands of readers and especially those who took the time to drop a comment on occasion. It ultimately has been a labor of love - just one guy sharing his journey through sleazy movies - and it's been a lot of fun. (Until recently that is.)
I'll still be watching these movies, and it'll be a bit sad to not share my walkthroughs and reviews, but as said in Slaughterhouse-Five- "So it goes".