Season 1 Episode 2 of Sexy Urban Legends: The two tales are "Halloween Party" and "Cybersex". [See the VZ1 TV Series Page for all episodes]
Season 1 Episode 2 of Sexy Urban Legends: The two tales are "Halloween Party" and "Cybersex". [See the VZ1 TV Series Page for all episodes]
(Original Title: La settimana bianca) An Italian comedy about a Roman business which sends its employees to a San Sicario ski resort. All the horny businessmen fawn over the hot employee, Anna Maria Rizzoli and get in trouble philandering with the nympho maid Carmen Russo.
(Original Title: Sømænd på sengekanten) The last in the Danish "Bedside" (Mazurka) series. The Danish sex comedies (Mazurka and the Astrology collection) have always been a point of fascination. They were what we dreamed porno would be in the US: big budget, well made, starring legitimate stars of the day, and could stand on their own without the sex.
A rare example of Antonio Ozores getting behind the camera (he hadn't done it since 1969 and never would again). The film is a parody of a real event: the government expropriation of the José María Ruiz-Mateos Sociedad Anónima (Rumasa) holding company in 1982 (I'll let you read the Wikipedia page for yourself, and leave it at that). Ozores hams up the idea of three old losers who want to take advantage of the government bailout to enrich themselves. Sound familiar, fellow americans?
Nude Nurses (1993) was evidently popular enough to spawn a sequel. In fact, Bob Scott Productions (BSP) released a whole series of these modern day versions of the 1960s "nudie cutie" featuring a variety of uniformed ladies (teachers, lawyers, nurses, etc.). There's not much to them, but a worth a glance in the history of sexploitation productions.
There were a ton of cheap SOV sexy horror flicks that filled the video shelves in the late eighties. This is similar to Night of the Living Babes from the same year in style and self-aware camp. I could watch these damn things all day. Unless you watch this, it may not make sense, but the best way I can describe this is if HG Lewis made movies in the eighties as he did in the sixties. Just a ton of fun.