Oct 31, 2020

Between the Lies (1997)


Colleen McDermott was mainly on network TV (Nash Bridges, Grey's Anatomy, Caroline in the City), but she tried her hand in a few erotic late-nigh cable ventures, including Access Denied (1996) and The Night That Never Happened (1997). We should also mention she was in Demonwarp at the start of her career ten years earlier. Unfortunately, this will likely be the last of her work on VZ1 as we've come to the end of her VZ1-worthy work - unless I can bring myself to endure Embrace the Darkness (1999). 

The Night That Never Happened (1997)


Standard late-night cable erotic, but starring some of the "greats" from this brief era: Kira Reed, Colleen McDermott and Lisa Boyle.

Peeping in a Girls Dormitory (2000)


I'd much rather watch Werewolf in a Girl's Dormitory (1961), but we've been on a Hellfire kick in October, so let's keep this skanky train a'rolling.

Rape Hunter: Target Woman (1980)


(Original Title: レイプハンター狙われた女 ) Apparently there were a whole series of these movies, so I thought we'd check out the first. A rather dark and depressing tale of drugs, unfulfilled desires, gang violence... and, of course, rape.

A Sweet Sickness (1968)


A girl trying to make it big in California by doing things the "right way" ends up raped, drugged, and perpetually molested. Featuring Vincene Wallace in one of her best performances.  The production ran out of money, so they gave the unfinished work to the master David F. Friedman who worked his magic and produced this piece of classic cinema trash. 

Oct 28, 2020

Monster from Bikini Beach (2008)


A sea monster is killing bikini clad women; a reporter and anchorwoman investigate, and a grizzled detective gets involved. 

Oct 26, 2020

Butterscotch: Mission Invisible (1997)


There was a series of Italian erotic comics by Milo Manara which somehow found their way to late-night cable adaptations on Skinamax; then, released as individual films on DVD. The comics (fumetti) tell of a substance which turns a guy invisible and the potion smells like butterscotch.   The Erotic Misadventures of the Invisible Man (2003), also featuring Gabriella Hall, was a part of this series (although I didn't realize the "grand tradition" of the Butterscotch story at the time).

American Rampage (1989)


Tough female cop versus heroin gang; directed by David DeCoteau and featuring Linnea Quigley, acid washed clothing and a rad eighties mall.

Oct 25, 2020

Bewitched Housewives (2007)


A witch is about to be sentenced to death in the 1600s when she's rescued and transported to modern day suburbia. A Fred Olen Ray film starring Beverly Lynne.

Caress of the Vampire 2 (1996)


Technically William Hellfire's first full movie; a campy vampire flick that is lacking the usual tastelessness of his other work.  It does have nudity, but the overall feel is campy fun (although, still containing the usual grime). 

A Climax of Blue Power (1974)

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The Pick-Up (1968)


A Lee Frost jam featuring a lot of familiar names in exploitation cinema of the time including Lynn Harris, David F. Friedman, Bob Cresse, Antoinette Maynard, Maria Lease, and the ubiquitous John Alderman.  It's a story about a couple of crooks who lose a million dollars to two pretty hitchhikers.  

Oct 24, 2020

Dirty Blondes from Beyond (2012)


Another Fred Olen Ray (director)  - Dean McKendrick (writer/producer) collaboration.  The story involves a couple of alien women who escape to earth and... well, does it really matter?  There's lots o' sex.

Sleeping Beauties (2017)


Dean McKendrick, the man behind College Coeds vs. Zombie Housewives and a host of other campy genre themed erotica. He worked on a ton of Fred Olen Ray films, and edited a bunch of other FOR-esque films including Bikini Frankenstein. If it's horror/sci-fi/spy erotica from the 2000s, likely McKendrick has had a hand in it, and I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more of his work on VZ1.

Deadly Pickup (2016)


A female hitchhiker likes to kill guys with her poison ring as they're having sex. 

Kidnapped Girls Agency (1985)


This is of interest because it features Linnea Quigley and Michelle Bauer - two of the biggest scream queens of the eighties... so what are they doing in this fetish bondage video?  I knew Bauer had ventured into some seedy (and hardcore) films, but had no idea Quigley had done the same.  I guess it paid the rent.

Witchtrap (1989)


A multi-million dollar home won't sell because it's haunted.  So, the owner assembles a team of psychics and security guards to banish the ghost.  Featuring Linnea Quigley and some of the worst acting and dialog ever recorded. Okay, that's an exaggeration... kind of.

The Black Room (1982)


A married businessman rents a room from a vampire couple to use for his various affairs.  Naturally, renting from vampires probably isn't a good idea, and things get out of control.  Featuring Linnea Quigley.

Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary (1975)


A very seventies vampire flick, complete with car chases and a soundtrack that would be at home on the Rockford Files.  Cited as an influence for George Romero's 'Martin', the film was made in Mexico and stars Cristina Ferrare, DeLorean's wife.

The Sexy Adventures of Van Helsing (2004)

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Oct 16, 2020

Witchbabe: The Erotic Witch Project 3 (2001)


In this sequel we are treated to a backstory taking place in the 19th century, where a sex witch takes a hold of all the ladies in the village.  

Satan's School for Lust (2002)


A girl is sent to the Diablo School for Girls where she meets a couple satanists and the devil itself. 

Vampire Vixens (2003)

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Lust for Dracula (2004)

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The Silver Mummy (1999)


Another Hellfire-Mundae flick featuring Factory 2000 regular, Tina Krause. IMDb has this dated at 2004, but this actually was made and released in 1999 (there's a copyright at the end to further support that).  My mistake for thinking this was actually going to be a mummy film; instead, it's just another fetish flick where Krause gets duct taped head to toe - hence, the "silver" mummy.

An Erotic Vampire in Paris (2002)


Shot on location in Paris without permits.  I'm going to go out on a limb and presume Misty Mundae (and boyfriend William Hellfire) did this film to get a free trip to France.  

I Was a Teenage Strangler (1997)


William Hellfire's second film and Misty Mundae's very first.  Clearly, her older sister Chelsea Mundae was the initial center of attention in Hellfire flicks.  This one takes the gross-out a bit too far for my tastes, but still has that grimy Hellfire flair we all know and love.

Sin Sisters (2003)


Real life sisters Chelsea and Misty Mundae play sisters - one evil, one innocent. Caught trying to hide a victim's body, the siblings are put through a tortuous game by a mysterious woman. 

Oct 12, 2020

The Infamous Bondage Murders (1998)


Misty Mundae's second film - a William Hellfire zero budget sleazefest - one of his most disturbing.  For some reason I can't get enough of Hellfire's sick garbage.  The settings are just so shitty, so lowbrow, so unpolished. It's interesting that these films, which cost nothing to make, led to decades-long careers for both Hellfire and his then girlfriend Mundae. 

Oct 11, 2020

Splatter Beach (2007)


A beach is plagued by disappearances which turn out to be due to an infestation of Creature from the Black Lagoon type monsters.  

College Coeds vs. Zombie Housewives (2015)


A scientist develops a sexual enhancement formula, but it has side effects - putting the recipient into a zombie-like state.

Paranormal Sexperiments (2016)

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Sexy Warriors (2014)


Two time-travelling Amazons fight over the Mystic Orb of Atos.

Vampire Strangler (1999)

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Model for Murder: The Centerfold Killer (2016)


How many times have we seen this plot?  Models are being murdered by a mysterious killer. Here we go again. 

Bounty Huntress 2 (2001)


Hey, remember Bounty Huntress Part 1?  Of course not.  No one does.  We reviewed it on VZ1 and then forgot about it immediately after. 

Night Junkies (2007)


A British vampire film about an ex-stripper turned-vampire who copes with her new identity.  

Oct 9, 2020

Embrace the Darkness 3 (2002)


Follow up to Embrace the Darkness II (2002) from director Robert Kubilos.  Don't know Kubilos?  He's the guy that takes what should be cookie-cutter Cinemax erotica and turns them up to "11".  We saw this with the Night Calls movies and Allyson is Watching (1997).  His movies are characterized by very-clear well-lit nudity which is highly explicit (but not porn) -  which isn't a surprise considering his background is in Playboy videos. Here, the maestro behind "Jenny McCarthy, the Playboy Years" brings you a vampire flick.

Wolfhound (2002)


A man returns to his ancestral home in rural Ireland where he's tempted by a sexy lycanthrope.  But it's not a wolf this hottie is turning into - it's a lovable Irish Wolfhound.  Inexplicable. 

My Vampire Lover (2002)


A vampire moves into a suburban neighborhood and proceeds to seduce and bite all her neighbors and anyone who comes to her door.  A super-cheap dollar-store vampire movie with an appearance by Misty Mundae.

In the Heat of the Click (1997)


Another entry into the Click Movie pantheon (starting with The Click (1985), then The Body Beautiful, Balls of Thunder, and Sex, Lies and Politics). Some initially aired on TV and were released on DVD as individual movies. They had the same basic cast of nineties sexploitation actresses and centered on the click device which could trigger arousal at whoever it's aimed at.

Caress of the Vampire (1996)

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Oct 8, 2020

Hot Skin, Cold Cash (1967)


A Barry Mahon film chronicling a single evening in the life of a Times Square hooker.

Red Roses of Passion (1966)


A Sarno film about cult of Pan which lures in an otherwise straight-laced suburban girl.

She Should Have Stayed in Bed (1963)


A Barry Mahon nudie cutie about... well, it's not really about anything.  It's just filming ladies in an apartment complex topless, and that's about it.  The film apparently had problems with the NY censorship board because nudity wasn't allowed unless it was "shown in the context of normal everyday activities". Since this is about voyeurism and nude photography it got rejected.

Vamps (1995)


A small town girl becomes a stripper in a club run by vampires.  An el cheapo SOV flick featuring Amber Newman.

Laß jucken, Kumpel 2: The Bull Monastery (1973)


(Original Title: Laß jucken Kumpel 2. Teil: Das Bullenkloster) Follow up to the insanely successful Laß jucken, Kumpel (1972); the film takes up where it left off, following the exploits of miserable miner Heiner amid gloomy German settings.

Oct 7, 2020

Slaves in Cages (1972)


A proto-Bloodsucking Freaks by my man, Lee Frost; one of his grimiest films about caged women forced to degrade themselves onstage at a Grand Guignol show. 

Sex Makes Me Laugh (1979)


(Original Title El sexo me da risa) Starring a ton of familiar faces in fichera, Mexican sex-comedies. The series continues to this day with many branches (for example, El sexo me divierte from 2016)

My Brother's Wife (1966)


A Doris Wishman film about (not surprisingly) a guy fooling around with his brother's wife.  Featuring both Bennett sisters.