Mar 29, 2020
Seven Husbands (1979)
(Translation: Yedi kocali) I presume this is spiced up adaption of the landmark film of the same name which took Yeşilçam (Turkish Cinema) by storm in 1963. This one, doesn't make any profound commentary and is just a simple sex comedy - but it does star Zerrin Egelier, undisputed queen of late seventies Turkish exploitation films. So, let's have a look.
Mar 28, 2020
Çapkinlar kirali (1978)
There was a long series of Turkish sex comedies starring Aydemir Akbas as the bumbling sex maniac Yedi Yürekli Şaban. I actually love these, and plan to get to them all in due time. We'll start the series off with Çapkinlar kirali (1978) which features goddess Zerrin Egeliler as a maid. How can we resist?
Honey Almond (1979)
(Original Title: Bal badem) Starring Turkish exploitation queen Zerrin Egeliler and directed by Çetin Inanç, the man behind the infamous "Turkish Star Wars". The story is about a poor shopkeeper who keeps getting abused by horrible Turkish men.
Crazy Woman (1978)
(Original Title: Çildirtan kadin) Zerrin Egeliler is one of the greatest exploitation stars of the late seventies, yet even cult cinema-philes outside of Turkey haven't heard of her. She was in a ton of Turkish sleaze, and I hope to get to many more of her films. She's not only a voluptuous fox, she's an incredible actress. Yeah, this film is nothing but a bunch of horrific rapes in the vein of a "Last House on the [fill in the blank]" movie, but is worth watching for the Egeliler factor. If only they would start releasing these Turkish exploitation movies on Blu-ray; there's a surprising amount of them, and they deserve restoration.
Mar 26, 2020
L'escot (1987)
Tomcats (1977)
I Spit on Your Grave came out in 1978, but there were many similar films that led up to it. In fact, there's a whole genre - the rape-revenge film. While this one doesn't quite reach the levels of horror as I Spit on Your Grave, but it does have dumb redneck rapists for the audience to desperate route to have what's coming to them, and then some.
Mar 25, 2020
Spaceship Erotica (1986)
Mar 24, 2020
The New Beverly Hills Girls (1991)
Okay, so this film deserves a bit of an explanation and backstory. This film originally came out in 1986; this is the exact same film, but it's been heavily edited. So, watching the original would be much preferred... if you can get your hands on it. I haven't been so lucky. Still, even with the edits, we get some quality scenes from Linnea Quigley and Michelle Bauer, so might be worth a look...
Mar 23, 2020
Getting Into Heaven (1970)
An odd little exploitation film starring Uschi and a couple other gals; directed by Edward Montor, the man that would produce a ton o' films in the 1970s and 80s including: Grizzly (1976), Day of the Animals (1977), The Fifth Floor (1978), Karate Killer (1978), Don't Go In The House (1979), Pieces (1982), and the list goes on. This was on of only two attempts at directing.
Mar 22, 2020
The Young Nurses (1973)
Who knew there were so damn many of these films? The Student Nurses (1970), Night Call Nurses (1972), Candy Stripe Nurses (1974)... they all followed a set formula of chronicling the adventures of group of women. The framework was almost like an anthology - and included other professions such as The Student Teachers (1973). It all started with the ridiculous success of The Stewardesses (1970), which was made for $100K and made $25 million by 1970! A ton of similarly formatted films soon hit the drive-in.
Amori, letti e tradimenti (1975)
I've been a fan of Marisa Mel ever since I saw her in Danger Diabolik over twenty years ago. So, it's definitely about time we get to one of her films on VZ1. This Italian Comedy's plot is the traditional "dumb yokel outwits the pompous urbanite" - where a humble shepherd gains the upper hand against the greedy landowner.
Sexual Malice (1994)
Mar 21, 2020
In Search of Lost Dust (1982)
(Original Title: En Busca del Polvo Perdido) From Director Enrique Guevara - the man who gave us the comedies What A Mess They Got Me Into! (1980) and A Permit To Flirt (1980) - a series of vignettes revolving around a sex therapist.
Mar 20, 2020
A Virgin Among the Living Dead (1973)
Jesús Franco ranked this among his favorite films, for its creativity and the fun he had making it. The next few decades saw the film chopped-up and edited in a multitude of releases. Finally, the "director's cut" came out - but still bearing the title Franco hated. Indeed, it doesn't quite fit this film; however, it's so damn surreal and other-worldly, I'm not sure if any title would do.
Swedish Fly Girls (1971)
The title isn't quite accurate, as this is Danish... but close enough. It stars the always gorgeous Birte Tove. If you liked her in Bedroom Mazurka (1970) and Bedside Dentist (1971), you really need to check this one out, as she spends a lot of this film sans clothing. The story deals with a young flight attendant, her many trysts, and her troubling past. Let's have a look...
Happy Highschool (1986)
Original Title: Las colegialas; an Argentinian sex comedy starring Susana Traverso (from Barbarian Queen).
Mar 18, 2020
Mar 17, 2020
Delinquent School Girls (1975)
AKA Carnal Madness; It's about as inappropriate and "unenlightened" as they come. Mixing comedy with rape, and ogling high school girls at every turn - this movie will make you run frantically for your safe-space. Three criminal lunatics break loose and terrorize a girls' school; politically incorrect comedy and problematic tomfoolery ensues.
Mar 15, 2020
In For Life (1970)
Mar 14, 2020
The Frigid and the Vicious (1981)
The Plumber, His Wife and Other Stuff (1981)
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Mar 13, 2020
Dirty Doctor Deviate (1970)
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