Jan 30, 2022
Fantom Kiler 4 (2008)
We've covered Fantom Kiler (1998), Fantom Kiler 2 (1999), and Fantom Kiler 3 (2003), and we said we were going to stop there. Well, here we are again, with this sequel from five years later. I guess we get what we deserve.
Body and Soul of a Woman (1983)
(Original Title: Corpo e Alma de Uma Mulher) Featuring the talents of several Brazilian sexploitation heavy hitters: Written by Ody Fraga who wrote a ton of these films, directed (and starring) the prolific David Cardoso, and pornochanada all-star actresses Helena Ramos and Matilde Mastrangi.
Jan 24, 2022
Take Off Your Clothes, Doll (1968)
(Original Title: Zieh dich aus, Puppe) A German film about a girl who becomes estranged from her family and must make it on her own. She enters a world of a nightclub - of prostitution, drugs and violence. I'll say upfront, I was interested for the first third (maybe half the film), then became so bored I completely lost interested and stopped paying attention. The last few minutes of the movie are interesting because shit starts happening again, but, man, that last half of the movie is a grind.
The Cuckoo Clocks of Hell (2011)
I didn't realize when I put this one in to watch - it was the same group that brought us Schizophreniac: The Whore Mangler (1997). That was '97 - this is 2011 - they were still making this shit fourteen years later? Ron Atkins is the writer/director who thinks that color filters makes your films seem underground. I hate to break it to him, but that's Instagram, not underground cinema. Also, containing tons of racist material, but that's okay too I guess in the name of "art"? Ugh. I'll just stop here. Let's have a look...
Jan 23, 2022
The Hanging Woman (1973)
(Original Title: La orgía de los muertos) Naschy didn't write or direct this one, but I don't care if it's the 5AM farm report, if Naschy's name is on it, I'm watching it. This is a Gothic horror film about the usual Gothic stuff: an inheritance, the undead, catacombs and sarcophagi, seances, a mad scientist,.. it's got it all.
Island of Death (1976)
Sexy American Idle (2004)
The Big Snatch (1971)
Not to be confused with the other The Big Snatch from the same year - which is made even more confusing because they both feature Jane Tsentas, This is a much cheaper film (if that can be imagined) and contains hardcore scenes.
Jan 21, 2022
Roller Blade (1986)
This film has such a sensational attention-grabbing VHS box, I remember always noticing it in the video stores back in the eighties. I finally broke down and rented it, and couldn't have been more disappointed. But tastes change and with a new appreciation for these cult films, I figured it was time to give it another try.
Necrophile Passion (2013)
We've encountered a number of movies which hit the ultimate taboo, necrophilia, head on: Living Doll (1990), Tango 2001 (1974), Love Me Deadly (1972), and Beyond the Darkness (1979). It's the sickest of sick, and there are a few I refuse to watch (Nekromatik, A Serbian Film), but let's dip our toe back in the dark waters of this subject again with this German shitshow, shall we?
Jan 20, 2022
Assmonster: The Making of a Horror Movie (2006)
Jan 18, 2022
Three on a Meathook (1972)
One of the many Ed Gein inspired horror movies. This one starring Linda Thompson who, after this movie was made, shacked up with Elvis for about four years (and lost her virginity to him), dated George Clooney, married Bruce Jenner, divorced and married movie composer David Foster.
Terror Night (1987)
Featuring so many "big" names - Dan Haggerty, Cameron Mitchell, John Ireland, Alan Hale Jr., Michelle Bauer, Aldo Ray - yet shelved for twenty years.
Living Doll (1990)
Jan 16, 2022
Jailbait Babysitter (1977)
The title, movie poster and tagline give the expectation that this is a porno. However, it couldn't be farther from the case. Barely a few seconds of nudity; in fract, the "jailbait babysitter" spends the duration of the movie saving herself for when she's older. Indeed, this could have easily been a TV movie of the week, minus a few seconds of boobs.
The Sex Merchants (2011)
Jan 15, 2022
Naughty Novelist (2008)