Dec 31, 2021

Private Private (1970)

An adult film about a PI and a bank robbery... but none of that matters.  The film features Rene Bond, so that's reason enough to take a look.

Dec 30, 2021

Fairy Tales (1978)


Yet another naughty take on fairy tales, notable for being Linnea Quigley's first film. 

Dr. Carstair's 1869 Love-Root Elixir (1972)


(AKA Sticky Fingers) Marsha Jordan appeared in several sexy Westerns including Six Women (1971), Brand of Shame (1968) and this film, long believed to be lost forever.   

Saturday, Sunday and Friday (1979)


(Original Title: Sabato, domenica e venerdì) An Italian three-act anthology featuring Edwige Fenech, Barbara Bouchet, and Lino Banfi.

Titillation (1982)


Well, I don't think I knew that Angelique Pettyjohn did hardcore.  Learn something new every day. Here she does it all in a porno crime noir.

Passion's Desire (2000)


We haven't done an Amy Lindsay film in a while.  This one looks about as generic as they come; let's give it a try.

Keep It Up Downstairs (1976)

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Dr. Cureta's Clinic (1987)


(Original Title: La clínica del Dr. Cureta) This began as an Argentine comic in the Buenos Aires magazine Humor. The film is a mix of risque gags and commentary on a mercantile medical system (like the one in the US).

Sex Carousel Via Erotica (1968)


(Original Title: Sexkarussell Via Erotica) A Dutch film about a writer who's asked to work on an erotic film.  His girlfriend subsequently spends the rest of the film convincing him to do it, and uses the risque stories of people they encounter as inspiration. In this way, it's a very early example (perhaps the earliest?) of a Schulmädchen-Report style film, where a series of rapid-fire erotic tales from a variety of speakers are wrapped around a central premise. 

Married Woman Looking for Single Young Man (1971)


(Original Title: Señora necesitada busca joven bien dotado) A Spanish romance starring the oft-naked Lynn Endersson.

Oh Fanny! (1971)

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Sinful (2006)


Mundae plays a girl obsessed with having a child, and it drives her to murder.

Expertos en Pinchazos (1979)


This was remade ten years later as Veneno que tú me dieras and it wasn't that good. I've been meaning to check out the original which stars the greatest of all Argentinian comedians Porcel and Olmedo.

Dec 27, 2021

Midnight Ladies (1990)

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Bang, I Want You! (1989)


I'm not sure I've seen a movie like this before - where the director just says "fuck it" ten minutes into the film, abandons any semblance of a story, and instead just strings a bunch of sexy scenes together.  It's bizarre.  There is a genuine plot setup at the start, then Lorenzo Onorati I guess just becomes bored and gives us: naked pool, sex in an elevator, a shower scene, a naked maid, etc. all seemingly with no connection whatsoever. On the one hand, the scenes are unbelievably erotic, on the other, you quickly pass the point of giving a shit because the "story" has so long ago been abandoned.  I am generally pretty diligent in providing a thorough walkthrough of the film; I'll try to here, but not going to even attempt to outline the story.

Dec 24, 2021

Tiffany Jones (1973)


Based on the comic, Tiffany Jones is a model who gets wrapped up in international espionage. Mainly notable because Anouska Hempel bought to rights to the film to keep it off the shelves - I suppose because she's naked throughout.

Bad Girls (1981)


Michelle Bauer's very first film.  She's almost unrecognizable in this highly successful porno which spawned multiple sequels.  Four models go camping and get abducted by a sadomasochism cult. 

Let's Calm Down and Drink Fresh in Saint-Tropez (1987)


(Original Title: On se calme et on boit frais à Saint-Tropez) A brainless and topless comedy from France. Last in Max Pécas' St. Tropez trilogy... well, last Pécas film period.  The screenwriter drowned during production, so I guess it was his last too.  

Mulher Objeto (1981)

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Dec 22, 2021

Takin' It Off (1985)

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A Grande Trepada (1985)


A Pornochanchada with a title that basically translates to "The Big Fuck".  The film consists of two stories, both involving lots of Brazilians madly pounding away.  

Salon Kitty (1976)


Although there are a millionNazisploitation movies, this seems to earn the most acclaim, and it's what put Tinto Brass on the map.  I suppose it's because it's not only more  sick and twisted than most, but it's filmed with a pretentious artfulness. 

The Lord of the G-Strings: The Femaleship of the String (2003)


The Misty Mundae crew take on Tolkien, and it is every bit as awful as you can imagine.

Lisa's Nightmares (1994)

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Dec 20, 2021

Horrorscope (1994)


Super cheap SOV horror anthology by Todd Jason Cook who wrote-directed-acted, etc. a number of these films in the nineties.  These Texas based films would feature his wife Lisa Cook, self proclaimed "scream queen". 

Hot Chili (1985)


Four friends get a job at a resort in Mexico.  Girls get naked, nerds get laid, absolutely asinine tomfoolery ensues.

Tortured Obsession (1993)


An ultra-low-budget flick from one-time director-writer Kelli Lidell. A psychopathic security guard robs, kills and seeks revenge on hapless nineties girls.

The Château (1971)


Women are used and abused at The Château.  No reason whatsoever to watch this except that it stars the great Sandy Carey, so it has to be done- let’s give it a whirl.

Razor in the Flesh (1997)


(Original Title: Navalha na Carne) This is a remake of the 1969 film, but this time with husky voiced Vera Fischer, popular actress of film and TV.  

Stalker (2000)


(AKA The Seduction of Maxine) Tracy Ryan is a Hollywood diva who receives threatening messages.  She reluctantly hires a bodyguard and things get physical... well, things were already quite physical.  Things get slightly more physical.

Dec 18, 2021

The Devil's Men (1976)

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Young Girls in Ecstasy (1974)

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Top Stripper (1982)


(Original Title: (本)噂のストリッパー) The story of a seedy back-alley strip club where Gloria works and Yoichi obsesses about her. Writer-Director Yoshimitsu Morita really accentuates the imagery of poverty and the desperation of the poor, without getting too bogged down in misery.

The Eroticist (1972)

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The Andalusian Widow (1977)


(Original Title: La Viuda Andaluza) A surrealist Spanish musical making idiotic jabs at religion and tradition - one of the most unwatchable films I've witnessed in a while. Bárbara Rey actually sings and dances (oof) as a widow who movies to the big city, hooks up with a guy named Rampin then flirts and sleeps around with everyone she meets.

Dec 16, 2021

Marital Seduction (1974)


(Original Title: Seduzione Coniugale) An Italian drama about a couple whose marriage has gone stale.  Super melancholy, with hardly a word spoken throughout the film; it captures the cold lifeless mood of the marriage, but makes for a sleepy film.

Raptus (1969)


An Italian film about a murder which goes through the courtroom drama as well as the psychological evaluation.  Not sure I've seen a film like this which goes so far afield of the central story: it begins as a standard procedural crime drama then takes a right-turn and explores the conditions of two murderous inmates in an asylum. 

How To Make A Dirty Movie (1968)


For Ann Perry completists: a doofus husband wanders into a porno set, and has sex with the actress.  His wife finds him in this compromising position, but she's soon misbehaving as well.

Dec 13, 2021

Sukkubus (1989)

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Tango 2001 (1974)


An extraordinarily twisted and sleazy film from Greece. I can't begin to describe it except to say it's full of groovy music, necrophilia (!), drugs, nudity, and bad seventies fashions. From the director of Death Kiss, Kostas Karagiannis.

Dossier Prostitution (1970)


A French documentary about prostitution.   Not much to say in terms of story or action, but Jean-Claude Roy's cinematography is often beautiful and striking. 

Do You Wanna Be Loved? (1975)


Rene Bond is the undisputed queen of early seventies sexploitation.  This is one of her later works and is a bit jarring as we're now in the golden age of porn, and it's a totally different vibe than just a few years earlier.  Bond helped pave the way, but really didn't find success once the adult film hit its stride.  I'm not exactly sure what became of her. This film is dated as 1978 in IMDb, but other sources have it at 1975 - I suspect the earlier date is the correct one.

El Tratado de Libre Comercio (1991)


Okay, a Mexican comedy named after NAFTA - I have to watch. 

Dec 12, 2021

Maniac Killer (1987)


A satanic cult is kidnapping women for sacrifice, a Kiss pinball machine makes an appearance and Chuck Connors teaches a creepy kid to speak using six floppy disks drives - lots of stuff happening in this Andrea Bianchi flick from France.

Malibu Express (1985)

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Dec 11, 2021

Video Vixens! (1974)

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School for Sex (1969)


A silly risque movie from the UK which was extremely successful, but director Pete Walker has since stated that he thought it was a "terrible film".  An aristocrat trains wayward girls to become "dirty rotten scoundrels" to scam rich men out of their money.

Skin Flick Madness (1971)


This really just amounts to Sandy Dempsey and her husband watching a porno in a movie theater.  But it stars the late great Dempsey, so must be watched.

Herança dos Devassos (1979)


(Translation: Debauchee's Inheritance) A weird Brazilian film about an eccentric, incestuous and murderous family who receives a pretty visitor upon the death of the matriarch. 

Dec 5, 2021

Psycho Girls (1985)


Made for $15,000 in just nine days, it's a ghoulish Canadian film about a woman who escapes the insane asylum to seek revenge against her sister.