Aug 29, 2020

The Good Times Are Back: Let's Enjoy Them Again (1985)

(Original Title: Os Bons Tempos Voltaram: Vamos Gozar Outra Vez)  This a Brazilian film comprised of two unrelated stories: "Hot Saturday" and "April 1st", both set in the 1960s.

Horizontal Sin (1982)

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Aug 25, 2020

The Love Bug (1980)

(Original Title: O Inseto do Amor) A Brazilian sex comedy about an insect's bite which will kill you unless you have sex within two days.

Five Women for the Killer (1974)

A standard Italian giallo about a mystery killer who preys on pregnant women. 

Leave Me Four (1981)

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Swap Meet at the Love Shack (1973)

Originally called Liebesmarkt but re-titled for UK and American consumption. This really falls under the Schulmädchen-Report style film where it's comprised of a series of vignettes which are linked to a central framing story.  (It doesn't quite have the faux-documentary basis, so maybe doesn't belong in that category.)  It stars three prolific German sexploitation actresses: Monica Marc, Britt Corvin and everyone's favorite, Ingrid Steeger.

Aug 23, 2020

When It Itches, Yodel (1974)

(Original Title: Wenn's juckt wird gejodelt) A German sex comedy about a couple of idiots who go in search of a ship captain's long lost illegitimate children.

Panic Beats (1983)

This film follows Horror from the Tomb (1973) which is one of my favorite horror flicks, and one of the few films to get a 10/10 on VZ1.  Ten years after the first film, Alaric De Marnais returns to wreak havoc upon mortals who venture to his ancestral estate.

The Burning Psychiatrists (1988)

(Original Title: Los Psiquiatras Ardientes) A Mexican comedy about two psychiatrists, one young one old, both horny.

Aug 21, 2020

I Was Raped (1976)

(Original Title: Yo fui violada) An insane film that should be on everyone's watch list who's interested in sleazy grindhouse oddities. This one comes from Mexico and features a hippie cult that just has to be seen.

The Dairy of Zacarias (1986)

Yet another Mexican sex comedy - a well that seemingly never will run dry. Although, this one is pretty damn near the bottom.

Graverobbers (1988)

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Two Nacos on the Planet of the Women (1991)

(Original Title: Dos nacos en el planeta de las mujeres) A Sci-Fi comedy from Mexico starring Alberto Rojas as an astronaut who lands on a planet full of women.  "Nacos" is a derogatory term for a trashy tourist. 

Aug 20, 2020

Un macho y sus puchachas (2001)

The font is Comic Sans, so you know it's got to be good.  We've covered a few other Alberto Rojas "Macho" films [Un macho en el reformatorio de señoritas (1989), Un macho en el salón de belleza (1987) and Un macho en la cárcel de mujeres (1986)] so may as well keep it going.  They're always insanely stupid, but also a lot of fun - great therapy for these crazy mixed-up times we live in.

This is a weird one, however.  It's actually a remake of a 1982 film of the same title (and most of the same cast).  So, while the "Macho" films usually feature a laundry list of familiar Mexican actresses getting naked; this one just has Diana Herrera for the "old guard" and far inferior.

National Adultery (1982)

Another bed-hopping comedy from Spain.  After Franco, it seems like every film was about adultery and hitherto forbidden topics.

Aug 19, 2020

What Now, Mr. Prosecutor? (1977)

(Original Title: ¿Y ahora qué, señor fiscal? ) A Spanish drama about a young couple - the girl from a rich respectable family, and the boy from the wrong side of the tracks, who's charged with murder.

Clothes Off (1995)

(Original Title: Fuera Ropa) Rafael Inclán stars in this "thriller" which basically amounts to him being locked up naked with another naked person in a bank vault for an hour.

Aug 18, 2020

In a Motel, No One Sleeps (1989)

(Original Title: En un motel nadie duerme) This Mexican comedy seemed especially timely as it revolves around a group who are quarantined in a hotel due to the threat of a disease.

Aug 17, 2020

Rumbera, Caliente (1989)

These Mexican comedies had a weird tendency to mix morality with vulgarity - at least it seems weird compared to traditional American cinema.  So, you might have a touching wholesome story worthy of showing to a Sunday school class... but it contains tons of full frontal nudity.  It's fucking jarring.  This story involves a woman making money to help a group of orphans - and yes there's also gobs of nudity.

Sex Or No Sex (1974)

A Spanish comedy about a repressed nebish who meets an equally prudish lady; they get married and spend the next several years trying to figure out sex, making up for lost time.

Futbol de alcoba (1988)

This is a Rafael Inclán Mexican comedy jam about a female futbol team managed by a bunch of horny guys.  There's a modicum of plot buried here somewhere, but basically it's just an excuse to show off the ladies.

Aug 16, 2020

Sexy... Love and Fantasy (1977)

(Original Title: Sexy... amor y fantasía) The final film for director Juan Xiol who started in the forties.  This is a simple film from Spain about just a handful of characters in a small rural village where a prostitute comes to set up shop.

Vermin (1977)

(Original Title: Las alimañas) From Amando de Ossorio, the man who gave us the Blind Dead series, comes a very different type of film involving a suitcase of money.  There has to be a name for this type of movie, right?  There are so many films about this subject, from No Country for Old Men to Shallow Grave and on and on.

A Male in a Girl's Reformatory (1989)

(Original Title: Un macho en el reformatorio de señoritas) Our third Rojas Macho film. So far, we've covered Un macho en el salón de belleza (1987) and Un macho en la cárcel de mujeres (1986).

To Make It Last, Don't Hurry (1988)

(Original Title: Para que dure no se apure) A Mexican comedy about a sad sack office worker (Manuel 'Flaco' Ibáñez) who falls for one of his boss' conquests.

Aug 15, 2020

The Shadow of a Memory (1978)

(Original Title: La sombra de un recuerdo) A Spanish movie about a serial killer who is haunted by his cheating wife and so must kill every girl he's able to hook up with.

The Stallion (1989)

(Original Title: El garañón) Another Alberto Rojas sex comedy featuring all the usual Mexican babes that seemed to show up in every film from this era: Rebeca Silva, Maria Cardinal, Rosario Escobar, and Gioconda.

The Worker (1983)

(Original Title: El currante) Another Spanish comedy starring Andrés Pajares.

Aug 14, 2020

Belles, blondes et bronzées (1981)

A French "Bronzées" film, which means lots of silliness and very little clothing. 

The Book of Stone (1969)

(Original Title: El libro de piedra) A Gothic horror tale from Mexico.

The National Mummy (1981)

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Eros Hotel (1980)

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Stela's Erotic Vacation (1978)

(Original Title: Las eróticas vacaciones de Stela) Azucena Hernández's first film; a Spanish erotic romp about a girl returning home from boarding school for the Christmas holidays, where she sets the household on fire with her hyperactive libido.

Aug 10, 2020

Commissioner G in the Case of the Cabaret (1975)

(Original Title: El comisario G. en el caso del cabaret) A Spanish crime/thriller about a Columbo-esque detective investigating a series of murders surrounding the Canaima cabaret.

The Other Side of the Mirror (1973)

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Aug 8, 2020

The Greenhouse (1983)

(Original Title: El invernadero) A socially awkward loner is lured in by a mysterious girl.  Once the trap is set, this movie goes completely off the rails.  Starring VZ1 favorite Berta Cabré. 

Mauricio, mon amour (1976)

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The Perfect Lover (1976)

(Original Title: La amante perfecta) A Spanish film about a movie star who gets scammed by a suave con artist, and her career and life are ruined when she is framed for jewelry theft.

Tramp in the Rain (1968)

(Original Title: Vagabundo en la lluvia) A Mexican thriller about one night that begins with a decadent costume party.  A party goer retreats to an isolated home by the lake where she is plagued by a homeless man amid a torrential rainstorm.

The Vampires Night Orgy (1973)

A Spanish vampire movie that isn't nearly as lurid as its title... or at least not the version I was able to get my hands on.  As with most Euro horror from the seventies, there are a thousand different versions.

The New Marilyn (1976)

This is a Spanish take on the Marilyn story. I'm not sure why we had so many films around this time about girls who become sex stars only to crash and burn Marilyn Monroe style. Star 80 (1983) based on Dorothy Stratten; also see "Death of a Centerfold" (1981) TV, Marilyn the Untold Story (1980), etc. Dig a little deeper and you find a tone more movies like Unholy Rollers (1972) which followed the template.

Trauma (1978)

There's been endless talk about the origins of the slasher film; whether it's Black Christmas or a Mario Bava flick, it doesn't matter - it was definitely an American progression of the giallo, with other influences intermixed.  The giallos were always a bit too serious, while the slasher was pure entertainment.  Trauma, stands right at the nexus in 1978, the year of Halloween, with all manner of gialo tropes (black gloves, etc.) yet it plays out like a slasher - with a backstory, ten-little-indians style killing, and a lack of forced gravitas as the Italian giallos tried so hard to convey.  All that's missing is the "cool" boogeyman - instead, director León Klimovsky opts for a Norman Bates scenario.  Still, a fun look at the slasher-giallo crossroads.

Alone in the Dark (1978)

(Original Title: Solos en la madrugada) A recently separated guy who hosts a popular radio show deals with post-Franco life, amid major social and cultural changes in Spain.

Witch, More Than Witch! (1977)

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Aug 6, 2020

My Darling, What Have You Done To Me? (1979)

(Original Title: Cariño mío, ¿qué me has hecho? ) A Spanish film by Enrique Guevara and Ricard Reguant who were behind a lot of sex comedies of the day.  This one involves a young guy who's obsessed with his aunt.

Carne apaleada (1978)

Women In Prison (WIP) movies are among the most condemned of any genre, mainly because they simply serve as venues for masochism and gratuitous nudity. This one from Spain, however, actually received critical acclaim.  Although it contains all the usual tropes (shower scenes, cat fights, wicked wardens), it also has a compelling story and quality acting.

Horror from the Tomb (1973)

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Aug 5, 2020

The Pregnant (1982)

(Original Title: Los embarazados) A Spanish comedy set in a world where men get pregnant, not women.  

Mud (1977)

(Original Title: Fango) A sappy Spanish romance about a swinger husband who finds himself in a wheelchair, and suddenly the key-party lifestyle goes bye-bye.

Unfaithful Women (1995)

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