Feb 27, 2019

Evil Obsession (1996)

Evil Obsession, AKA Illegal Entry - starring Corey Feldman
Why do I continue to watch these 1990s erotic thrillers?  They're all so awful, so cookie-cutter - not near as much fun as, say a 1970s grindhouse or 1980s slasher flick. I guess it's because, every once and a while you come across an undiscovered gem.  This isn't one of those times.

Feb 26, 2019

To Milo Tou Satana (1979)

AKA Intimate Relations; A Greek mystery about an heiress who has her jewelry stolen and servant killed.  Who did it?  A Columbo type detective will find the answer, even if it means hearing about every one of her sexual encounters in explicit detail.

Violence in the Flesh (1981)

(Original Title: Violência na Carne) There were a number of Brazilian "pornochachadas" (batshit insane combinations of telenovela soap opera and softcore porn) but only precious few have made it to US release with English subtitles. This one is a House at the Edge of the Park type story, with hostages being raped and abused by home invaders.  Of course, this has its own Brazilian spin on the genre.

Doctor Mordrid (1992)

This film was supposed to be a Doctor Strange film, but their option expired, so Charles Band had to go with original characters.  That would have been interesting to have this among the Marvel adaptations.  Alas, it was not meant to be - and we have this odd, somewhat pointless production instead. Let's have a quick look...

Bad Girls for the Boys (1966)

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Honey Britches (1971)

This hicksploitation drive-in classic had a second life in the 1980s when Fred Olen Ray spliced in some John Carradine footage and sold it to Troma as "Demented Death Farm Massacre... The Movie".

Stories Our Nannies Didn't Tell (1979)

(Original Title: Histórias Que Nossas Babás Não Contavam) An erotic spoof on the Snow White fairy tale from Brazil. It was a "thing" in the 1960s and 70s to take fairy tales and legends and make them bawdy.  Examples: Lady Godiva Rides (1969)Cinderella (1977)  and The Ribald Tales of Robin Hood (1969). This one definitely seems odd enough to inspire my curiosity.  Let's have a look...

Feb 24, 2019

Night of the Damned (1971)

Original Title: La notte dei dannati.  A couple visit a Gothic castle where they find themselves in the middle of an ancient curse.

Feb 22, 2019

Secrets of a Super Stud (1976)

AKA It's Getting Harder All the Time and Naughty Girls on the Loose.  A Britsploitation flick about a swinger who has to keep it in his pants in order to receive an inheritance.

Feb 14, 2019

Sadomania (1981)

Original Title: Sadomania - Hölle der Lust, AKA Hellhole Women; a Women In Prison (WIP) film by Jesús Franco.

Last Dance (1992)

It's a film we've seen a million times before in the nineties - a mystery killer is taking out strippers one by one.  But this time we have an interesting cast - a Nobel Prize candidate plays one of the strippers.  We also have a final thirteen minutes that may be the most unexpectedly badass closure to a film that I've ever seen.  Let's have a look...

Zero in and Scream (1971)

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Feb 5, 2019

At Last, at Last (1975)

Original Title: La Moglie Vergine; It's not just another Italian Sex Comedy; this one is wall to wall skin featuring Edwige Fenech and Carroll Baker.

Feb 4, 2019

Body Parts (1992)

At first glance it looks like just another movie featuring strippers being offed by a serial killer.  But upon watching, you'll find it's anything but.... and that's not necessarily a good thing.

Feb 3, 2019

The Yes Girls (1971)

This film is so obscure and forgotten I couldn't even find a movie poster or single piece of promotional material. But it stars Sue Bond - any fans of Benny Hill will remember this buxom blonde, a regular on his show.  So, it definitely warrants a watch for that reason alone.  The film was originally released as The Yes Girls, but the version I was able to get a hold of was the UK VHS release retitled Take Some Girls: The Story of a High Class Film. (not much of an improvement, I'd say).

Feb 2, 2019

The Vampire Happening (1973)

Original German Title: Gebissen wird nur nachts - das Happening der Vampire; Italian Title: ½ litro di rosso per il conte Dracula

Love and Death on the Edge of a Razor (1973)

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Night After Night After Night (1969)

A Jack the Ripper type killer is stalking the streets of London.  It's up to a Inspector Rowan to track him down before he (or she?) kills again.

Cemetery High (1988)

From the Gorman Bechard, the director of Psychos in Love, comes this film which he has since disowned (claiming that control was taken out of his hands).  He also made the dreadful Disconnected, so we're taking a risk checking out a third Bechard flick, but it's VHS cover art is so compelling, let's give it a go anyway...