Stripteaser (1995)

A strip club is held hostage by a psychopath; featuring Maria Ford and Nikki Fritz.


RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆ 5/10

REVIEW: Rick Dean insufferable in this film; his lengthy monologues are unbearable.  But it's largely saved by sizzling stripteases from Maria Ford, Nikki Fritz and Ann-Marie Holman.


Ann-Marie Holman plays Sandra's lover who is forced to strip for Neil at gunpoint. The scene is particularly shocking as Neil provides quite a graphic grab for Holman's crotch. This is Holman's only full length movie credit. She appeared on a couple adult orient TV episodes and a 2018 short.

What's interesting is that Holman has gotten into government work. Ann-Marie has been involved in Los Angeles government since her election in 2014 to the Echo Park Neighborhood Council, where she served as Chair of the Planning & Land Use Committee. She was a member of the Communications team at the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and Director of Communications for the City of Los Angeles Department of Neighborhood Empowerment.


Zipper's Clown Palace - the fictional strip joint where this film takes place. Inspired by the real strip joint, Jumbo's Clown Room. Maria Ford plays stripper Christina Loren. Stuttering dimwit Carey (Lance August) is her biggest fan. Sandra (Nikki Fritz) is also a stripper at Zipper's; her lover is Kitten (Ann-Marie Holman). The film features a couple great cameos: Linnea Quigley as a waitress and John Lazar as a patron. Christina does her next act in a bridal costume. A blind guy named Neil (Rick Dean) enters the establishment. Sandra takes her turn on stage. Neil is at the bar, driving everyone crazy because he won't shut up. 

Neil reveals he's not blind, and holds everyone hostage in the strip club. Neil talks and talks and talks and talks and talks and talks to his captive audience. Neil tells Carey that he has to have sex with Christina, or he will kill her. Christina desperately tries to get him aroused, but Carey is such a stuttering fool, he can't make it happen. Neil demonstrates that he means business by shooting the bartender. Next, he commands Kitten strip for him. There are two cops nearby who are are utterly pointless. Neil tells his captive audience a boring backstory - where he stalked Christina. He follows her to a video store then watches Christina's performance. Christina pulls a gun she has hidden and shoots Neil - but is shot herself. Sandra fires too, but is shot by the cops. Kitten is shot by Neil. Carey finally kills Neil; it ends with him by Christina's side as she dies. THE END
