TV shows from the seventies are spoofed. Happy Days, Welcome Back Kotter and Barney Miller are given the naughty treatment.
"Happy Daze" segment
Debbie (Linda Gildersleeve) the cheerleader
Mary (UNK) student body president
prostitute (Mariwin Roberts)
"Don't Come Back Kotler" segment
Vinnie Malatestes (Tyler Reynolds)
model (UNK)
"Bernie Milner" segment
Detective Carp (Norman Fields)
Mayor's Wife (Candy Samples)
RATING: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 6/10
RATING: [3/26/23] Despite a constant stream of gags and a laugh track throughout, there's absolutely nothing funny going on here. I like the concept of a naughty take on seventies shows, but man the jokes are bad. [5/10]
SECOND SPIN: 12/23/24] I'm sad to report the jokes are even worse upon re-watch. Cornball humor was pretty prevalent in the seventies. Today's so-called "dad jokes" are considered corny, but they're nothing compared to some of the shit you'd see on Laugh-In and a million other shows back then. The thing is (and this comes with getting old), I'm kind of getting sick of today's humor: the cringe humor, the sarcasm, the ironic humor, the mean spirited shit, etc. Bring back the good ol' cornball comedy. That's my hot take. But anyway, this film isn't really about the laughs - it's about the nudity. And of that there is plenty; so, perhaps it exceeds its purpose in life.
The first is a Happy Days spoof. Fonzi is going to get Ralph, Potsie and Richie laid. (Note that all the characters actually have "clever" alterations of their names - so The Fonz becomes The Bonz.) The Fonz brings out a girl for each of his friends. Ralph gets a Debbie the cheerleader (Linda Gildersleeve). Debbie the cheerleader takes off her varsity sweater. Potsie gets the student body president, Mary. Then the girl set up for Richie is introduced... A prostitute (Mariwin Roberts) Ralph and Debbie watch a stag film. Debbie the cheerleader decides to undress completely. Mary the uptight student body president reads with Potsie. Mary shows she's not so prudish after all and gets naked. Meanwhile, Richie is on his way to losing his virginity to the prostitute. He pulls down her panties. Everyone's happy and says "Ayyyyy". The boys can't believe their eyes - as they see all three girls go to town on Fonzie. The punchline: Fonzie says his catch phrase "Sit on it!" and the prostitute proceeds to sit on his face.
Next is the "Welcome Back, Kotter" spoof - "Don't Come Back Kotler". Mr. Kotler is going teach sex education today to the Sweathogs. And he will be using a live model as a visual aid. Vinnie Malatestes (Tyler Reynolds) is told to remove the model's clothing. All kinds of bad jokes ensue. The Sweathogs turn around and, to their surprise, all the girl students are naked. The classroom turns into an orgy
The final segment is a "Barney Miller" spoof - "Bernie Milner". A group of prostitutes are arrested and brought to the precinct. Detective Carp (Norman Fields) - a pun on "Fish" a character on the show - gets the treatment. Bernie Miller locks the whores up then the Mayor's Wife (Candy Samples) arrives. THE END
This is exactly why I keep checking this blog. A movie I'd never heard of that is right up my alley. Thanks and Merry Christmas.