Jun 10, 2024

Beach Babes from Beyond (1993)

Three alien girls crash land on earth and help to save a man's business by holding a bikini contest. The cast includes Sylvester Stallone’s mother, Martin Sheen’s brother, Patrick Swayze’s brother, John Travolta’s brother and Burt Ward (Robin from Adam West’s Batman). Also featuring Linnea Quigley who has said publicly that she hates this film.

RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 8/10

REVIEW: It truly does capture that giddy flavor of beach movies from the sixties. The sexual content is far more graphic than you'd expect from a movie like this. Tamara Landry provides one helluva softcore sex scene in this film. It would normally be a shoo winner for best in the film - but Nikki Fritz takes that award (see next section). Landry was a drop dead gorgeous woman and had a pretty damn successful run in softcore movies. After leaving acting, Tamara went into the retail business - and has been active in that industry for at least 15 years. She currently is the "roadshow coordinator" for a fitness wear company called Otomix. I was glad to see her not ashamed of her film work, as she lists her experience as a model and actress in her bios on LinkedIn and other social media. Looks like she's had a lot of plastic surgery; she's in her sixties now. Fritz's scene might honestly be the greatest softcore sex scene of all time. At least in the top five. Nikki Fritz is absolutely pulverized and in every position this way to Sunday. The scene is long, well lit, and best of all, it comes completely out of left field. You think this is going to be just another light 'n' fluffy silly sexy movie - and then this hits you over the head. It'll leave you scratching your head wondering if that really happened.


Gork (Don Swayze) and Yanna (Jackie Stallone) take their new spacecraft out for a ride. Their daughter Xena (Roxanne Blaze). Xena has a gratuitous shower scene. Xena's friends are Luna (Tamara Landry) and
Sola (Nicole Posey). Luna and Sola try on Xena's outfits which she made herself. Against Xena's better judgement, they take her parents' spacecraft out for a joy ride and they crash land on earth. Nearby, beach bum Uncle Bud (Joe Estevez) meets with his nephew Dave (Michael Todd Davis) and his friend Jerry (Ken Steadman). Uncle Bud is informed by Hassler (Albert Mitchell) that he is being served an eviction notice. Dave and Jerry visit the refreshment stand operated by Dr. Veg (Joey Travolta). Veg was once a top space scientist.

Hassler is with the conniving and ruthless Sally (Linnea Quigley). Sally's models are Angela Cornell, C.C. Costigan and Nikki Fritz. Hassler fantasizes about having sex with Nikki Fritz. We now return to the guys: Jerry, Dave beach bum Ziggy (Michael Roddy). They're spied by the alien girls. Xena, Sola and Luna introduce themselves. Luna hooks up with Jerry, and the others pair up as well. Jerry and Luna have sex in his van. Xena shows Dave her spaceship. They see if Veg can help her get her spaceship fueled up. The girls display their new bathing suits made by Xena. They see a flyer for a bikini contest. Hey, they could enter it and win the money for Uncle Bud so he won't get evicted.

Sally and models greet her rich sponsor Mr. Bun (Burt Ward). She tries to sway him to vote for her models in the upcoming bikini contest. But Mr. Bun won't be so easily swayed, and throws them off.
Zig, Jerry and Dave overhear everything - including the bombshell news that Uncle Bud is actually the Big Kahuna. Sally needs to find a way to prevent Xena's bathing suits from making it into the contest. So she abducts Xena.

Zig looks everywhere for Xena. Bothering random nude sunbathers, he continues his search. Jerry checks the women's bathroom. A topless woman kicks him out, calling him a pervert. Dave and Jerry find Xena and rescue her. They consider sabotaging Sally's suits, but they want to win fair and square. Dave and Xena have sex. The bikini contest begins. Sally's models' tops suddenly pop off. Xena wins the contest. Uncle Bud's place is saved. Sally and Uncle Bud rekindle their romance. Mr. Bun offers the Big Kahuna a big money deal. The space girls say goodbye. THE END


  1. Fun fact: this movie won "Best Alternative Adult Feature Film" at the 1994 AVN awards. This is a great movie; cheesy, fun, and light hearted. The restored "Director's Cut" Blu-ray is excellent, but lacks the original "Video Zone" featurette, which can be viewed on Youtube. I'd like to see Vinegar Syndrome restore this completely, with all the original production stills, Video Zone feature, and the option to view the R rated cut (which has some scenes that are not in the Director's Cut). Maybe even a full length commentary by David DeCoteau. Hell, he did one for "Bikini Goddesses," why not this film?

  2. The blonde woman in the middle off "Sally's Models" (in between Angela Cornell and Nikki Fritz) may in fact be Elise Muller. The internet seems unsure about who is who. The film credits list four Sally's Models: Angela Cornell, Katie Colburn (an alias of C.C. Costigan), Elise Muller, and Nikki Fritz. Even so, I only ever noticed three models in the movie. The blonde hair might mean it's Ms. Muller, but the breasts look more like Ms. Costigan's. Perhaps one actresses' scenes were cut from the final print? Or maybe I just missed something. A small thing, but as a fan of this movie, it has been frustrating. If anyone out there could shed some light on the situation, I would appreciate it.

  3. So nice to see you back. I like how you've changed up your captures and how you use them now to set up character and actors in a more immersive way. Seeing this reminds me of the first time I saw Ken Steadman, which was when Cinemax ran (over and over) I Like to Play Games. He really gave his all in that film, along with Lisa Boyle. I was sorry to hear that he died only a year or two later.

    1. Thanks! Yes, I'm trying to have fun with it, and try new things. I welcome the feedback. It'll certainly be a while before our catalog gets back to anything close as before - but it'll be a lot fun getting there!

  4. Angela Cornell appeared in a few other B-movie skin flicks. She is now a law professor at Cornell University. BTW, thanks for posting this, and with my original comments too! This movie is a personal favorite. Hopefully, Full Moon will get around to releasing an uncut BD of the sequel, "Beach Babes 2: Cave Girl Island."
