The eighties-ness is strong with this one. Featuring stone cold fox Betsy Russell, a healthy amount of gratuitous nudity, insane looking race cars, jaunty keyboard tunes, and much more.
- Tomasina 'Tommy' Boyd (Betsy Russell)
- Seville Ritz (Kristi Somers) Tommy's best friend
- Carlos (Cory Hawkins) Seville's dance partner
- Ernie Leeds Jr (Eric Douglas) rich boy
- Randy Starr (Gerard Christopher) race car driver
- Amanda (Cynthia Thompson)
- Jennifer (Rory Barish)
- Earl Delarue (Philip Sterling) rich financier
- Harold (Toby Iland) nerd
- Porsche driver (Michelle Bauer)
RATING: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 8/10
REVIEW: [8/14/21] This was a blast. There's an excessive amount of silliness (Tommy's space-age turbo car she designs herself, for instance) and it seems badly put together at times (Harold's random dream ride with Michelle Bauer - WTF?). But, man, it has that fun eighties vibe which demands that you have a great time. Just soak in the bad jokes, the horrible acting, the aerobics dancing, and the insanely gratuitous nude scenes. [7/10]
SECOND SPIN: [12/16/24] This was even better the second time; I can see this being a regular watch. AS mentioned it is just fun as hell. While Betsy Russell looked a lot better in Private School and had a lot more T&A to deliver, it still is a treat to see her as she was in precious few films. Kristi Somers may be the real MVP here, delivering some amazing nudity. While this isn't exactly a forgotten film, it does get slept on.
Tomasina 'Tommy' Boyd (Betsy Russell) works as a mechanic. Her best friend Seville Ritz (Kristi Somers) is her total opposite - a materialistic girly girl. Seville rejects super nerd Harold (Toby Iland). Seville is in a dance competition. Tommy attends to show her support. Seville loses the competition, and now it's off to the locker room. Tommy sits on the lockers while Seville showers. [Kristi Somers providing damn near full frontal nudity.] Several random girls, just strolling through. Seville proceeds to insult her dance partner, Carlos (Cory Hawkins). Her eyes are too full of suds to see that he's standing right by her. Carlos informs her that he's gay. Seville says, "What a waste!" The girls go to a diner [which seems straight out of the 1950s]. Back at the mechanic shop, a rich guy pulls up to the station. Amanda (Cynthia Thompson), a drunk girl with her boobs falling out stumbles from the car. It's spoiled rich boy Ernie Leeds Jr (Eric Douglas) and famous race car driver, Randy Starr (Gerard Christopher). Tommy has a poster of Randy on her wall. She idolizes him. Seville performs for a doughnut commercial. She's unfortunately paid in donuts.
Seville and Tommy are invited to attend Junior and Randy's party. Junior is having his toe nails manicured by Jennifer (Rory Barish). Tommy leaves the pool party to check out Randy's automobile. They go for a dirt bike ride. Tommy crashes her bike into a stream. Her shirt gets wet, so she has to change it. Tommy and Seville attend a late-night party - again, hosted by Junior and Randy. Seville gets drunk and carried away. She takes off all her clothes in front of everyone. Tommy is grossed out to find Randy watching a porno. She challenges him to a boxing match and hits him in the face. Randy responds by hitting back, and accidentally knocks her out cold. She wakes up and they have sex. A cheesy love montage. [insert sappy music] Amanda serves drinks to Junior and Earl Delarue (Philip Sterling) who is financing their next race.
Tommy demonstrates her racing skill to Earl and Junior. But they're too sexist to take a female race car driver seriously. Tommy is pissed. Insert a totally random scene where a Porsche rolls up to pick up Harold. Michelle Bauer is the driver. Tommy has designed her own super car to beat Randy and teach Earl a fucking lesson. Let the racing begin. Amanda, Jennifer, Junior and Earl watch from the sidelines. It looks like Randy will win but Tommy's got a secret weapon and flames his ass. But Tommy's got a secret weapon and flames his ass. Tommy has proven her value to Earl. He hires her as the head mechanic for his pit crew, and Randy will be the driver. THE END
One of my all time favorites in the silly 80s early 90s sex comedy genre. Can’t wait for your second spin on Party Favors, Bikini Carwash Company, RSVP, etc.