May 18, 2024

Profissão Mulher (1983)

(AKA Professional Woman) A Brazilian film about women who work for an advertising agency and have serious sexual hangups. Not your standard erotic-drama or your ordinary sex romp; this has some memorably disturbing scenes.


RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 7/10

REVIEW: I liked the way this was arranged as an anthology, but surrounding a central set of characters - each with females carrying severe sexual hangups.  More than mildly disturbing, and makes for a memorable ride. All kinds of madness going on in this film, but Lady Francisco pouring a tea kettle full of hot water on her crotch takes the prize. Quite shocked the actress agreed to do this on film (as she was also in a number of "respectable" pictures); but it actually does fit the character as a broken, unhinged woman. I have to say Lady Francisco does a really good job in this challenging role, and this scene proves she was all-in, not pulling any punches.

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