Dec 30, 2024

El sexo me divierte 2 (2016)

(AKA Sex Amuses Me 2) I've watched a ton of the Mexican sex comedies from the eighties and early nineties - so I thought it was high time to check in on how the genre is doing these days (although this is actually nearly ten years old!) I was a bit surprised at how raunchy it was (so glad to see the sex comedy hasn't been sanitized south of the border as it has in the states). But nothing could have prepared me for the clown rape. 

Story #1 "Me llevo a la criada"(I take the maid)

The maid (Esther Gombau) and the wife (Mercedes Regina)

Carlos Bonavidesis the husband. This opening story is easily the worst story of all of them - so we won't spend too much time on it.

The wife faints

The ladies switch clothes, a friend comes over, blah blah blah. Let's move on.

STORY #2: "El vaso de leche" (The glass of milk)

A very short skit, but featuring an old favorite from sex comedies of yore...

Aida Pierce and the one and only "La Pelangocha" Maribel Fernández.  (And Alfredo Solares plays the guy at the counter!)

STORY #3: "Anillo de compromiso" (Engagement Ring)

Alessandra Pozzo is upset to see a compromising photo on her fiance's phone.

He has an innocent explanation: He was just taking care of a drunk, Paty Bermudez

 The drunk girl takes her top off, and this winds up on his phone.

Being a gentleman, he helps her to her room and takes off her pants and shoes.

The girl is already passed out cold when he removes her pants. He never takes advantage of her, and is a good boy. 

Ever the good Samaritan, before leaving he wraps the unconscious girl in her blanket and never takes advantage of her. [This was Paty Bermudez' first time on film. She was in just two more movies after this: El diario de una prostituta 2 (2017) and El Sexoservidor (2019).] 

Alessandra Pozzo believes his story, but doesn't have closure. So, to make things even she decides to show her naked body to another guy. [Alessandra Pozzo was the Independent Horror Movie Awards and nominee for Best Actress for Mansplaining (2022)] 

As Alessandra gets completely nude someone suddenly opens the door...

It happens to be the drunk girl, and she gets a picture of Alessandra.

STORY #4: "Al rato te la regreso" (I'll return it to you later)

Alex del Castillo plays the doctor (wearing the hat) and Perfecto González the husband. The wife (Analia Moreyra) has issues with sleepwalking.

She sleepwalks and starts manhandling the doctor.

Each time she returns, she's wearing less and less clothing.

Much to the husband's exasperation, she takes the doctor back to the bedroom.

STORY #5: "La niña virgen" (The virgin girl)

Alessandra Pozzo plays Sara who is upset over her pathetic sex life.

She loses her virginity and it's a painful awful experience.

She consults with her girlfriends.

 Sara tries again with the school nerd.

And so begins a string of unsatisfying failures.

She gets pounded in the bathroom

She moves on to another fail.

Gratuitous shower scene.

Finally she meets Héctor Soberón a guy who can satisfy her, and does it how it should be done

But it turns out the guy is married and she gets punched in the nose by the spouse.

STORY #6: "La escuelita de platanito"

Alma (Cher Constantine) and El Gordo (Cesar Lopez) play in the school yard.

So, these classroom comedies were pretty popular on Spanish TV. Sergio Verduzco as Platanito the clown, who had several TV shows including the Platanito Show (2011). David Villalpando plays the teacher (he was also on the television series).

The class has recess and we get to see Alma play leap frog in a short skirt.

The girls get changed and Alma takes off her clothes. The boys watch from a peephole.

And here we go - thecoup de grâce.  The clown eases up behind Alma and fucks her!

Are you fucking kidding me? Am I seeing this?

 The professor busts it up, and the show is over.

RATING: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 7/10

REVIEW: [09/04/20] Yeah, this wasn't funny and clearly thrown together without any sense of style or artfulness. However, I have to give it props for keepin' it sleazy. I would have expected this to have been pretty sanitized, but the clown sex scene proved me wrong. [6/10]

SECOND SPIN: [12/30/24] I have to say, after watching literally thousands of sexploitation films over the past few years, of all the various brands of the genre that I wish I'd uncovered and watched more of... is this. Yes, the relatively modern sex comedy from south of the border. There's hundreds if not thousands of titles out there still unwatched. This one featured clown rape comedy - God only knows what treasures are in the bargain bin at the Guadalajara video mart. In all seriousness, the silly sex comedy has been my favorite type of sexploitation cinema - the riotous Italian sex comedies, the Bavarian sex comedies, the Adventures/Confessions British sex comedies, the Tristan/Olmedo/Porcel Argentinian sex comedies, the Ozores/Esteso/Pajares Spanish sex comedies... and of course the Zayas/Rojas/Inclan Mexican sex comedies. The US really had no equivalent. Well, the sex comedies took a bit of a hit for a while, falling out of favor and feeling a bit corny and cheesy (but not to me). But a number of titles continued to be released on video in Mexico, and while many have been de-fanged, many are still plenty sleazy. At some point I'll take some time to catch up on these videos which still carry the torch of my favorite genre of all time. Sure, this video in particular wasn't great - but it has its moments, and that impossibly insane final story (the aforementioned clown rape) make me realize we simply have to explore more of these. Consider it a side quest on VZ1 coming up

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