Dec 1, 2024

Party Plane (1991)

If you liked the Party Favors (1987) or The Bikini Carwash Company (1992) films, you'll like this.  After all, it's by the same horny genius who wrote all of them - George Buck Flower, a regular on VZ1. It's a sexy airplane movie that would fit well with Pacific Banana (1980) and Bikini Airways (2003).

A plane mechanic, Andy (Renee Way), takes her uniform off in order to fix something. 

The three female employees of Commodore airlines call it a day: Suzie (Jacklyn Palmer) the brunette, Judy (Karen Annarino), and Laurie (Jill Johnson).

They have the hots for Tim (Kent Stoddard), the pilot.  And they hate the fat guy.

 The girls relax in a hot tub.

 Suzie, Laurie and Andy

 Renee Way as Andy.  Way was only in one other film, The Newlydeads (1988).

Jacklyn Palmer as Suzie.  Palmer had a bit part in Road House (1989) as a party girl.  She was in a few other forgotten flicks including Co-Ed Starlets (1996).

 Jill Johnson as Laurie.  Johnson played Trixie in Party Favors (1987).  She had a few mainstream parts including an appearance on LA Law, and a regular role in Almost There! (1989-90).

 Goody-goody Tim catches Lee (John F. Goff) snooping around the house, looking in on the girls. But Judy would never believe her dear father's best friend would do such a thing.

 Judy also informs Tim that their airlines is going belly up.  It's her father's airline that she's in charge of, and it's no longer making money.

Tim brings the bad news to the girls.

 Lee and Judy laugh as the gang celebrates their last trip ever.

Laurie falls in the pool and her top comes off.  She has a toast to their final voyage with Suzie.

Addressing the passengers, Laurie acts a little weird.

 Suzie asks what's going on.  Laurie is evidently still a little drunk, and she figures this is their final voyage, so fuck it.

 Laurie starts stripping for the passengers.

 Laurie passes the baton to Suzie.

 Back at home, Judy hears the phone ring.  This is the closest we get to a nude scene from Karen Annarino.

 Judy receives the unexpected news that it was also a full flight coming back home.  Yes, all the same passengers elected to return on the same plane.  I wonder why...

 Suzie strips as a cowgirl on the return flight.

It was a huge success. Suzie and Laurie hang on the arms of a movie producer who was aboard the plane.

 So, they decide to make it a party plane.  They hold auditions for two more sexy stewardesses.  Humongous (Travis McKenna), the copilot, gets to choose.  This applicant, Renee (Iris Condon), dresses as a nurse.

 Laura Albert plays the next applicant who, for some ungodly reason, isn't chosen.

 Humongous enjoys his work.

Carol (Michele Burger) uses whipped cream and knows how to win over a fat boy's heart.  She's hired.

 The next twenty minutes are literally nothing but stripteases performed by the staff, and a few "comedic" bits involving the over-the-top stupid passengers.

 Renee does a phenomenal striptease.

 Judy lets Lee know that business is booming.  As we'll see, that's not great news for Lee who has ulterior motives.

 Lee has arranged for the airline to go out of business so he can collect the insurance.  Even so far as to have a bomb on board.

 Carol and Renee mudwrestle.

 When it's found out that Lee is behind all this mess, Renee puts him in a headlock.

As it turns out, Judy's dad is on board in disguise.  He fires Lee, and the airline is saved. THE END

Although basically a clone of Takin' It All Off (1987), Party Favors (1987) and The Bikini Carwash Company (1992), it didn't quite have the mojo.  Once the plot device was set up, it becomes a rather tame and repetitive series of stripteases.  The comedy is awful.  For example, there's a scene where laughing gas is pumped into the plane and everyone is laughing hysterically.... except me.  I could have used some of that gas.  I'd suggest you watch Bikini Airways (2003) instead, but that wasn't any better.


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