Apr 15, 2020

The Head Mistress (1968)

Another David F. Friedman sexploitation flick featuring Marsha Jordan, a vengeful house plant, a rapist fake mute, Samantha Scott, decapitation, surprise necrophilia, erotic whippings, and two bathtub scenes.

 A group of students are having a picnic at an all girls school. And, yes, they're topless.

 Amelia (Gee Gentell) and Philomena (Samantha Scott)

 But someone is watching from a distance

 It's Nuto, the gardener.

A completely gratuitous and random bathtub scene.  The woman is a barmaid who doesn't figure into the story at all.

 I know I recognize this actress, but can't for the life of me remember her name.

 There's lots o' nudity in this film, but you have to be quick on the VCR pause button to catch a glimpse of pubic hair.

 Nuto is retiring, so he introduces Mario (Victor Brandt) to the head mistress to take his place.  Mario pretends to be a mute retard, so that they will let him have the position.

 The Head Mistress (Marsha Jordan) is a stern bitch, but lets him have the job.

 Nuto warns Mario to stay away from Leticia, she's not right in the head. 

 Amelia and Philomena are starry eyed over the new gardener.  They rarely get to see young men their age, and are ga-ga for Mario.

 One of the ga-ga girls is Kathy Williams, who shockingly doesn't provide any nude scenes in this film.

 Philomena sneaks down to the garden wearing only a sheet.

 She has sex with Mario.

 We've discussed actress Samantha Scott recently on VZ1.  As pointed out in the comments for Horny Hobo (1969), she went on to become the "Black Widow of Rancho Mirage", with two books written about her as well as an episode of the TV show 'Women Who Kill'.

 Philomena tells the girls about her encounter.

 Sophia (Julia Blackburn) decides she wants to try her luck with Mario next.  You'll remember Blackburn as the redhead in The Ramrodder (1969), which also starred a couple of actual Manson Family members.

 Sophia surprises Mario, laying naked in the hay.

 Philomena discovers she is pregnant, so commits suicide.

 A rather macabre scene considering Samantha Scott's real-life dark history.

 It gets weirder. Leticia finds Philomena's body, and starts caressing it.

 She takes off the dead girl's dress and molests the body... WTF?

 Amelia smiles at Mario from a window and tells him to come inside.

 Little does he know, this is what's on the other side of the window.

Actress Gee Gentell was ultra-cute, and only in three movies.  You'll remember her from the B&W film College Girls (1968).

 The Head Mistress catches this forbidden act.

 She punishes Amelia by tying her up and whipping her.

 Then she has sex with her.

 Afterwards, The Head Mistress explains how she became a man-hater.

 Years ago, she was fooling around with a guy in the garden, when two "friends" came upon them.  They were so enraged they fucking cut his head off! Gross.

 The Head Mistress witness the whole thing and faints.

 The two men dig a whole and bury the head.

 She returns to her room, shell shocked, where the two men rape her.

 It's an odd rape in that one of the guys spends the whole time loving on her feet.

 She puts her dead lover's head in a pot.  A plant mysteriously grows from it... and kills the two men!

 Back to present day, and she's once again getting raped.  No wonder she hates men.  Mario tears her clothes off and throws her on a mattress.

As always, the rape turns to love.  Mario has shown The Head Mistress how to love men again. THE END

Points for gobs of nudity, but even more points for unparalleled weirdness.  The vengeful houseplant scene alone makes this worthwhile.  Add in the wildly bizarre necrophilia and you have yourself a curiosity worth watching.

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