Apr 28, 2020

Porcel: How to Conquer Women (1991)

(Original Title: Porcel: Cómo Conquistar Mujeres) More of a novelty item than anything.  Jorge Porcel's partner in crime, Alberto Olmedo had passed away in 1988 (in a tragic accident) leaving Porcel clinically depressed. He appeared in just a few projects afterwards.  For whatever reason, he released this comedy extravaganza - maybe to pay the bills, maybe contractual obligations?

Apr 27, 2020

So There's No Bed That Can Hold Him (1980)

(Original Title: Así no hay cama que aguante) A Jorge Porcel comedy from Argentina, featuring Moria Casán.  To avoid having to pay up horse racing debts, Jorge must dress up as a female millionairess. Comedy ensues.

Gay, Deaf and Crazy (1991)

(Original Title: Trolos, sordos y locas) Two couples get together in Tigre (north of Buenos Aires). Together with their eccentric servant staff, all manner of odd sexual tomfoolery ensue.

Nighttime Taxi Driver (1993)

(Original Title: Tachero Nocturno) An Argentinian comedy about a loser taxi driver who is constantly confounded from getting into the pants of a hot grocer's daughter.  Other side adventures take place on his cab route. One of Tristán's last films; a bit obscure and it's currently not even listed on IMDb.

Apr 26, 2020

How I Got My Mink (1969)

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Thigh Spy (1967)

An artist and his hippie girlfriend are hired to assassinate a secret agent.  It's sounds like a coherent straightforward story, right? Wrong.

Apr 24, 2020

The Amateur Pornographers (1982)

(Original Title: Los pornoaficionados) A Spanish comedy about a couple of guys who decide to quit filming weddings and film a porno instead.

Dany the Ravager (1972)

It's been a while since we've checked out a Sandra Julien flick.  This one is a comedy adventure, with Julien as a hitchhiker who gets picked up by one interesting character after another.  And while it's played like a comedy, there are some weirdly dark things that happen to Dany which don't at all jive with the film's light tone.

Frank & Eva (1973)

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Blue Money (1972)

A Bob Chinn production - but it's not a porno; however, it's about filming pornos.  Starring VZ1 favorite Barbara Mills, with appearances by other sexploitation veterans including Sandy Dempsey, Sunny Boyd and Maria Arnold.

The Last Sin of the Bourgeoisie (1978)

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The Executive's Wives (1971)

A typical story of businessmen and their office adultery.  It seems like a film from a few years earlier; perhaps a HG Lewis sexploitation film, yet it has the level of sex and nudity as you'd expect from a film from '71.  An interesting hybrid, perfectly on the line between the old cheesy sex romps and the new hardcore phenomenon.  Featuring VZ1 favorite Barbara Mills.

Apr 23, 2020

The Love Garden (1971)

Starring two queens of early sexploitation cinema, Linda York and Barbara Mills, it's a very simple story with only three actors in the whole film. The film takes its time, with the entire setting just at a an apartment complex.  An interesting glimpse at a type of movie they just don't make anymore.

Refinements in Love (1971)

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Apr 22, 2020

Six Women (1971)

A Western starring numerous sexploitation regulars including Marsha Jordan, Antoinette Maynard, Maria Arnold, Lyllah Torena, and Sandy Dempsey. Unfortunately, the only copy I could find is a transfer of a transfer of a shitty VHS copy.  Beggars can't be choosers, I guess. Let's have a look.

Sinthia: The Devil's Doll (1970)

A bizarre Ray Dennis Steckler film about a girl with severe daddy issues, filmed in a trippy psychedelic style, with a little satanism thrown in for good measure.

Sex and the Other Woman (1972)

A British anthology all centering around affairs - husbands and "the other woman".  The twist here is that the women are in-control like aggressive succubi, while the men are just led along like weak-willed wimps. Featuring some familiar faces in Britsploitation including Felicity Devonshire, Maggie Wright and Jane Cardew.

You Have to Break the Routine (1974)

(Original Title: Hay que romper la rutina) Another Argentine comedy featuring Alberto Olmedo and Jorge Porcel.  Sorry, I'm a bit obsessed with this comedy duo's  films at the moment.  They're such escapist, silly sexy fun.  I'm also obsessed with Tristán's films, and he happens to be in this film as well - as are the Rojo sisters.

Apr 19, 2020

Very Close Encounters with Ladies of Any Kind (1978)

(Original Title: Encuentros muy cercanos con señoras de cualquier tipo) I just can't get enough of these Alberto Olmedo/Jorge Porcel sex comedies.  In this film, the duo must pretend to be rich businessmen, and they convince a couple of burlesque dancers to be their fake wives.

The Crazy Clinic (1988)

(Original Title: La clínica loca) A health clinic is doing some unconventional experiments, and a lowly orderly gets mistaken for a well-hung German test subject.  Hilarity ensues in this Argentinian sex comedy.

The Body and the TV (1985)

(Original Title: El telo y la tele) An Argentinian comedy about an international sex study wherein guests have their sexual activities secretly monitored for scientific purposes.

Night Waiter in Mar del Plata (1986)

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Apr 17, 2020

The Night of the Theft (1976)

(Original Title; La noche del hurto ) This Argentinian comedy is the directorial debut of Hugo Sofovich; basically a heist film, mixed with plenty of silliness.

Peculiar Attraction (1988)

(Original Title: Atracción Peculiar) A silly comedy from Argentina about a couple of journalists who go undercover as cross-dressers to investigate a supposed transvestite invasion of Mar del Plata. Starring the comedy duo Alberto Olmedo and Jorge Porcel [see A los cirujanos se les va la mano (1980)].

Apr 16, 2020

The House Near the Prado (1969)

So, apparently there are two incredibly different versions of this film.  There's an action film starring Charles Napier, and then there's a totally action-less story about a  former madame of a prostitution ring who tells of the various sinful acts performed at her business.  We're covering the latter, which features Marsha Jordan and a couple actresses getting much more graphic than we're used to seeing them. 

Suburban Pagans (1968)

A skin flick disguised as a documentary about "the psychology of wife swapping", featuring Marsha Jordan, Kathy Williams and Sheri Jackson among others. 

Apr 15, 2020

Office Love-In (1968)

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Teen-Age Jail Bait (1973)

You don't get more problematic than this movie title; thankfully, no one in this film is a teenager.  In fact, nothing about this title or poster makes any sense. It's a horrific home invasion story, where Rene Bond (featured in the poster) is just a side character.

The Head Mistress (1968)

Another David F. Friedman sexploitation flick featuring Marsha Jordan, a vengeful house plant, a rapist fake mute, Samantha Scott, decapitation, surprise necrophilia, erotic whippings, and two bathtub scenes.

Brand of Shame (1968)

A sexy Western featuring Marsha Jordan and Samantha Scott.

Apr 12, 2020

The Golden Box (1970)

Marsha Jordan and Ann Perry star as two secret agents tracking down a stash of gold using a coded music book.

Erotic Family (1980)

(Original Title: Las verdes vacaciones de una familia bien) A woman returns home to a family she remembers as being traditional and wholesome.  She's in for a surprise.

Young Vampires in Love (1986)

This comes from Electric Blue episode 36; four sexy band members who rent a spooky old mansion to practice their music, unaware that it's home to two vampires. [See the Electric Blue Main Page]

Hot & Saucy Pizza Girls (1978)

An adult film centered around a fun idea - skateboarding pizza delivery girls who deliver more than pizza.  A great watch even if you're not into adult films, as this is packed with tons of seventies nostalgia.  The film was heavily financed by the mob, and even had mobsters supervising the filming.

Apr 11, 2020

The Divorcee (1966)

If you do nothing else with your life but watch every Marsha Jordan movie, you're a success in my book. This film follows a divorcee as her life circles the drain with drinking and failed relationships.  Oh, and there's also a horrific doll.

Bacchanal Live (1979)

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Escape from Women's Prison (1978)

This Italian film featuring Lilly Carati is not actually a Women In Prison movie as none of it actually takes place in prison.    We've discussed recently about the home invasion movies, and this falls more in that category.

Apr 10, 2020

Oh! Rebuceteio (1984)

An odd Brazilian film about a play which includes lots of nudity and sex.  The theatrical play is called "Rebuceteio", a Brazilian Portuguese word that doesn't exist in European Portuguese, meaning  "big confusion".  And that's exactly what it is - a big, sleazy mess.  The real draw to this film is the lead actress Eleni Bandettini; cute as a button, and only appearing in this one film.  She provides plentiful nudity, and then never acted again.

Apr 8, 2020

Sexo, Sexo, e Sexo (1984)

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Female Teacher Under a Wet Piano (1991)

(Original Title: Jokyoshi nureta piano no shita de) The home invasion plot is a genre unto itself.  Perhaps it goes back to In Cold Blood; I'm sure there are earlier examples.  In the exploitation realm, there are legions of them, and they come in two flavors:

Apr 7, 2020

The Click (1985)

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Carnal Sins (2001)

This title makes no sense.  Yes, there's plenty of sex, but the title doesn't fit at all.  And who is this  front and center on the cover?  Brandy Davis is the star of this film, and that's not her.  This may be Griffin Drew who's only in the film a few minutes - and isn't dressed like that.  It's a generic cookie-cutter erotic drama, but this cover does the impossible and makes it seem even more generic.

Il Piacere (1985)

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Horny Hobo (1969)

A no-budget, no-plot, no-nothing skin flick, but worth checking out as it features the great Samantha Scott. Scott was in a number of sexploitation flicks in the late sixties before getting a small part in MASH, then Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, and finally several episodes of Bewitched.  I'm not sure why she called it quits after that, as it seems her star was on the rise.  Also featuring Mary Jane Shippen in her first acting role; she's go on to a few more exploitation flicks including The Screentest Girls (1969) and Miss Nymphet's Zap-In (1970) before calling it quits as well.

Love Circles (1985)

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Hard Ticket to Hawaii (1987)

Hard Ticket to Hawaii may where Sidaris peaked.  It comes right after Malibu Express and before Picasso Trigger. Perhaps more than any of his other Triple B films, it is jam packed with crazy action, making it a fan favorite to watch for laughs and just overall great fun.  If you enjoyed Raw Force (1982), this would be a great double feature. [We've covered all of Sidaris' Triple B flicks on VZ1 - see the list at the bottom of this review.]

Apr 6, 2020

Boin-n-g (1963)

H.G. Lewis and David F. Friedman lampoon themselves in this nudie cutie.  The film chronicles the bumbling exploits of two guys who decide to make a skin flick.

Apr 5, 2020

S.O.S. Sex-Shop (1984)

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Singapore Sling (1999)

(AKA Scandalous Behavior) Interestingly, this is one of just a few films directed by James Hong. You know him as an actor from Blade Runner, Big Trouble in Little China, The Golden Child, Revenge of the Nerds II. etc.  In 1978 he directed The Girls Next Door -  a teen sex comedy of all things.  He didn't direct again for eleven years with the horror flick The Vineyard.  Then he waited another ten years and directed... this.

The Mummy's Kiss (2003)

With a bit more budget than Attack of the Virgin Mummies (2004) and starring some big names in sexploitation at the time (Mia Zottoli, Regina Russell Banali, etc.), this is a must-watch for fans of naughty monster movies. Let's have a look.