The Psychosexuals (1997)

Gregory Dark brings us the story of a man who takes his VR helmet to the limit with over the top sexual fantasies - which winds up putting him at risk of living in this world forever.


RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆ 5/10

REVIEW: Reading the reviews, it seems like folks either worship this movie or hate it. I may be the only one who finds it just about mediocre. I can appreciate Dark's surrealistic vision, but it's really just hopping from one sex scene to another, held together by the VR gimmick.


William X (Mickey G.) meets with Nikita for a VR experience. She suggests he take a "sensory aptitude exam" first. William already starts to see things... Nikita gets naked. Is this really happening? Back to reality, Nikita holds the VR headset. She places it on William's head and he's immediately thrust into a surreal VR world.

In this world, Nikita tells three guys carrying her that if they drop her she'll explode. They lay her gently on the bed. But the men start taking advantage of her and she does indeed combust. All that's left are their socks. William enters the room. A woman in a hat (Sid Deuce) gets his attention. After Sid Deuce gets pounded, William's VR world goes another direction... He finds himself in a room with three women: a redhead (Ruby), blonde (Missy) and brunette (Chloe Nicole). They all assume the position. [Chloe Nicole overdoes it; I mean, it's like she's being impaled. Okay, she kinda is... but still, the moaning and screaming is a bit extreme.]

William X has taken things to the limit. He's broken the fucking equipment. The VR place has shut down for the night; but William is still here. The maid (Taren Steele) arrives to clean up and finds him still here. William seems to be completely out of it; so it's safe to have sex right under his nose with him noticing. The maid prepares to give Sean Rider head, but an FBI Agent (Jeremy Steele) shows up. The more the merrier.

Back in William's VR fantasy, he sees Leanna Heart dressed as a vestal virgin. She strips for three guys. Nikita rips the VR helmet from William's head. She informs him that he's taken things too far and has actually broken the helmet. Now he will be stuck in this VR world forever. None of this is actually happening. In reality, William will spend the rest of his days stuck in the VR world. THE END
