Aug 16, 2020

To Make It Last, Don't Hurry (1988)

(Original Title: Para que dure no se apure) A Mexican comedy about a sad sack office worker (Manuel 'Flaco' Ibáñez) who falls for one of his boss' conquests.

 Victor is a lonely loser at an office job.  He's played by Manuel 'Flaco' Ibáñez  who was always good at the sad sack roles.  For some reason, whenever he teamed up with Zayas, Rojas, etc. (of which there were tons) he always seemed to fade and not get the best parts.  Anyway,...

  Diana Herrera is the secretary who all the guys whistle at. But you get the idea that she doesn't mind.

 She has a fling going with one of the managers at the office.

 He has her doing tasks which involve her bending over, etc.

 Lorena Herrera is another worker in the building who painfully endures constant sexual harassment. 

 Victor lets his colleagues use his apartment for their extra-marital flings.

 Diana Herrera just recently passed away, sadly.

All the goings-on in Victor's apartment is gossip fodder for his nosy neighbor.

Victor is in love with Lorena, but she's involved with one of his bosses (who's married).

 The office party.

 Everyone gets drunk off Pepsi and alcohol.

Lorena has a great time with Victor, until...

 His shitty boss gets a hold of her at Victor's apartment.

 Lorena tries to kill herself by overdosing.

 Victor and Blanca Nieves are the last ones to leave the party.

Drunk off their ass, they go back to his apartment.

 Blanca Nieves does a hilarious "drunk", hiccuping every other word.  It's great.

Victor finds Lorena seemingly dead on his bed. 

 Bianca waits on Victor.

 Finding a dead girl in his bed, he throws out Bianca.

 Victor is able to get his neighbor, a doctor, to keep her alive.

 He's able to nurse her back to health with the help of other friendly neighbors.

In the end, his good deed pays off.  THE END

Actually a pretty good little story; not going to land at the top of anyone's list of films, but still a kind of simple and fun film that is in short supply these days. 


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