Aug 6, 2020

Carne apaleada (1978)

Women In Prison (WIP) movies are among the most condemned of any genre, mainly because they simply serve as venues for masochism and gratuitous nudity. This one from Spain, however, actually received critical acclaim.  Although it contains all the usual tropes (shower scenes, cat fights, wicked wardens), it also has a compelling story and quality acting.

 Berta (Esperanza Roy) is arrested for the minor offense of fraud, and is transported to the prison, accompanied by police officers.

 Beatriz Rossat, a drug addict, is also transported with her.

They strip down for a shower, with Beatriz Rossat providing FFN.

 Berta meets her fellow prisoners.

 There's always the sadistic and cruel guard.

Berta develops a relationship with Xenta (Bárbara Rey), an inmate convicted of murder.

Sandra Alberti is also here.  She was amazing in Satan's Blood (1978), one of the greatest satanic horror films of all time.

Lulú (Yelena Samarina) gets in a catfight in the prison yard.

 She literally has her nipple bitten! Ouch.

Berta's father (Ángel Picazo) commits suicide by throwing himself on the tracks.

 There's a bit too much of this; boring banter between prisoners.

The warden demands everyone remove their uniform to check for hidden contraband. 

Berta is at the head of the table on the left, Sandra Alberti is the one stretching her arms by her.

Lulú's (Yelena Samarina) breast seems to have healed nicely.

More boring jibba jabba.

Berta is locked in isolation for fighting with the warden.  Meanwhile, Xenta is released.

 Years pass, and Berta is released.

 She visits her old lover, Xenta. 

 A very long nude scene between Berta and Xenta.

 Then Xenta takes stock of what she's done... she has a new life outside prison, and this doesn't fit in. 

 As she gets dressed, she insults Berta, calling her names.  Awful bitch.

Berta is devastated.  And yes, an amazing FFN from Esperanza Roy

 Berta lays upon the railroad tracks.

I was amazed (and disturbed) that they show her being run over - in slow motion.  

A rather bleak film to say the least.  It was interesting to see quality acting and a compelling story applied to the WIP genre.  However, I still found it boring when not entertained by the exploitative elements.  Not the sort of film anyone would ever re-watch, but still a rather unique addition to the WIP genre.

For a list of all the Women In Prison (WIP) films covered on Video Zeta One, click the image. The page is updated regularly.

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