(Original Title: Vieni avanti cretino) This looks like your standard dumb Italian comedy; however, it was unbelievably successful in Italy, and so worth taking a look. Starring Lino Banfi, it basically just follows this buffoon around as he tries to find work after being released from prison.
A rather brilliant beginning with A-List names on the screen (Marlon Brando, etc.)... and then we see it's just names on doors - and Lino Banfi's is written on notebook paper as opposed to their golden plaques.
Pasquale Baudaffi (Lino Banfi) has been released on amnesty from the Roman prison of Regina Coeli. His cousin Gaetano Baudaffi (Franco Bracardi) works for the employment office and helps him get a job.
Adriana Russo dances at the jukebox.
It's hard to explain this movie; comedies are difficult to convey in general. But this is slapstick, misunderstandings, etc. that really don't translate to a synopsis. The way this waiter is sent flying to the floor by Pasquale is something to behold.
One of many misunderstandings: Pasquale returns to a dating service he went to before he was imprisoned. It's now a dental office - so a ton of cheap gags are created by the double meanings/misunderstandings.
Okay, let's pause here. This scene where the Don Peppino and Pasquale speak in the local dialect (Bari?) is a well-known scene. I suspect that you will need to be Italian to really appreciate this gag.
Pasquale applies for a job as gamekeeper and appear as an ornithologist to the examiner. His qualifications are way below what's needed, but a great source of comedy.
Pasquale gets a job at a garage; tonight he's filling in for the manager who is out sick.
A woman named Carmela (Michela Miti) shows up.
Pasquale faints at the sight of her.
Actress Michela Miti does the heavy lifting in this film when it comes to nudity.
They're startled by the arrival of a gang of Sicilians.
Promotional Photograph
Pasquale hides while the Sicilians steal every single car in the garage.
Pasquale tries his hand at being a waiter, but he predictably fucks everything up.
He fills in for his brother Gaetano at the employment office. He randomly puts on a pair of women's shoes, and is mistaken as being gay by a religious person.
He flees onto the employment office balcony....
Danila Trebbi is in an adjoining apartment.
Her jealous husband Filippo comes home and suspects she's cheating on him, with a man hidden in the bedroom.
Pasquale is found on the balcony, and the jealous husband can only presume he's the backdoor lover.
Pasquale gets a job at a cybernetics factory. I love the old-school tech in this scene (as well as the uniforms!)
On left Francesca Viscardi, and on the right, the mythical (and tragic) Moana Pozzi
Alfonso Tomas explains his new job
More great shots of vintage tech
The job is so repetitive, robotic and stressful, it drives him insane.
Pasquale ends up homeless. One day he finds a lost poodle with a reward offered in the paper. But instead of money, the fat woman gives him aggressive sex.
The final scene has Pasquale put before a firing squad.
The execution is on the orders of the actual director, Luciano Salce
Instead of bullets, he's bombarded with pies. THE END
It's a funny movie - make no mistake. However, I don't quite see why it was so insanely successful. It doesn't seem to be much different than your average Italian comedy. I imagine, not being a native Italian, a lot of the humor gets lost.
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