(Full Title: Schulmädchen-Report 8. Teil - Was Eltern nie erfahren dürfen) The eighth and by no means the last in the long-running German faux-documentary series. This series had legs! (And I mean that in both connotations.)
A bus load of female students on a field trip.
Puppa Armbruster, looking hot as always, plays their ringleader, Evi - in the short bluejeans skirt.
So, the setup for the vignettes is that the girls tell sex-related stories on the bus trip.
Gisela (Christine Szenetra), in yellow, tells the first story.
Her story involves seducing this doofus.
Her master plan - to get the bathroom floor wet, so he'll slip.
She ends up slipping herself. Not sure how this supposed to accomplish anything.
She's on to Plan B which involves just getting naked.
It works. Surprise.
Annette Strassmann (Manuela Widman) tells the next story.
Her story is impossibly boring - just a love that was not meant to be.
Okay, we're finally getting to the good stuff. Meet the three friends: Gaby (Marianne Dupont), Jutta (Sandra Atia), and Evi (Puppa Armbruster).
Their story goes back to the classroom...
Jutta and Evi get called out by the strict and dour teacher
Irene Eberhardt (Elke Deuringer)
Jutta and Evi come up with a plan to get back at the teacher, with the help from a boy at school.
Irene is attacked by some hooligans, and the boy saves her. (This was all a setup)
Irene is brought home by her savior.
The straight-laced prude actually lets him have his way with her.
Knowing he's there, Jutta and Evi show up at her apartment and look around for her male guest.
The boy continues to doink the teacher over and over - bringing out the animal in her.
Irene Eberhardt is like a whole new woman now.
Next story: Uschi (Marisa Feldy) and Gaby (Marianne Dupont) skinny dip.
They suddenly realize they're being watched.
The voyeur has stolen their clothes.
Uschi and Gaby run for it, and wander into a campsite, where they have sex with the campers.
Susanne (Yvonne Dwyer) in front tells the next story.
She offers to deliver something from her father to a rich associate.
She uses the opportunity to have sex with the old rich guy.
The joke is that he's too old; literally throwing his back out getting undressed.
And so the girls are brought to a beautiful pastoral area.
Time for a shower. Literally every girl on that bus gets naked.
Her plan is to throw water in his face.
(lobby card)
That evening, Evi (Puppa Armbruster) sneaks into a chaperone's room.
But this chaperone won't take the bait. He grabs her and tries to throw her ass out.
When she refuses to leave, he literally smacks the shit out of her.
Back to more rural sightseeing.
Evi is disappointed to find that chaperone isn't exactly a saint, and has hooked up with one of the girls.
As with every Schulmädchen-Report, a couple are busted having sex, and the adults must decide their fate.
Time to draw country landscapes while wearing bikinis. THE END
Definitely a step down from the last few Schulmädchen-Report films, but not a steep decline. A few of the stories were throwaway bits; really, the only time things are worth watching is when the at least one of the trio [Gaby (Marianne Dupont), Jutta (Sandra Atia), and Evi (Puppa Armbruster)] is on screen.

For a list of all the Schulmädchen-Report films covered on Video Zeta One click the image.
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