Jul 19, 2020

Schulmädchen-Report 2 (1971)

(Full Title: Schulmädchen-Report 2. Teil - Was Eltern den Schlaf raubt) The sequel to the smash success of Part 1.

As always, the film is framed around a pseudo-documentary about sex.  Why this was such a trope (to pretend to be "educational") is beyond me.  By '71 we'd long since passed the point where we needed to couch it as educational in order to avoid legal action.  So what was the deal?  Maybe to make audiences feel like they weren't just watching a skin flick, so no need to feel bad yourself.

 Elfie (Karin Götz), Sybille and Christa flirt with the teacher.

 Elfie (Karin Götz) and the teacher (promotional photograph)

 Elfie tricks him to come over for tutoring, then walks in naked.

 She tempts him into having sex.

 Sybille and Christa take pictures to blackmail him.

 The girls show up to class the next day and learn that the teacher is no longer with us.  Their "harmless" game got serious.  

 As always, we have to endure man-on-the-street reporting throughout, where this dope asks passer-by questions about sex.

Gaby (? actress) and her boyfriend drive out to the woods to have sex.

Gaby notices that they're being watched.

A local takes their clothes.

The local refuses to give their clothes back unless the boyfriend sings.

 Gaby gets her clothes back, and ditches the bf for the local.

A rather disturbing vignette.  Tessie (? actress) is doped up on heroine. 

 She's pumped full of another dose and goes unconscious.  The two guys take her clothes off.

 Tessie is carried unconscious to mattress where she's raped.

 Pretty fucking dark.

 Margot (? actress) and her blonde friend window shop, dreaming they could afford a wig.

In a restaurant, a stranger offers to pay them to pose for a magazine. Margot agrees.

He talks her into taking her clothes off.

A school chum of Margot gets word that she can earn money just by taking her clothes off.

 At the school, this staffer is looking at a nude photography magazine and notices some of his students.

 The next story features Elke (Astrid Kilian).

She's perusing the books on sex.

 Elke gets a note in class which reads "The stud says yes".

 There's a big party...

 Elke strips for the "stud"

 She almost backs out, but they have sex after all.

 Susanne (Karin Wieland) is the focus of the next vignette.

 Her parents have hired a math tutor whom she becomes attracted to.

 She tries her best to get a rise out of him, to no avail.

 She takes a bath and strategically leaves the door unlocked.

When the math tutor enters, she makes sure he gets a good look.

 She comes on strong and it proves too much for the tutor to resist. 

 Her parents come home and catch her in the act.

The math tutor is sentenced to prison for having sex with a minor.

 This devastates Susanne (Karin Wieland) and she hangs herself.

 Her father is able to pull her down before she dies.

(promotional photograph)

 The final story features Barbara (Heidi Hansen) who's a pregnant teenager.

 Her father can't deal with her getting pregnant.

But when she has the baby, everybody loves the child and is happy. THE END

I thought this was a lot better than the first.  They upped the sleaze, limited the man-on-the-street bullshit, and went down some dark roads.  A few of the stories were lame, but that's the beauty of this format - if it sucks, you only have to endure a few minutes before the next vignette.

For a list of all the Schulmädchen-Report films covered on Video Zeta One click the image. 

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