Jul 21, 2020

Schulmädchen-Report 11 (1977)

(Full Title:Schulmädchen-Report 11. Teil - Probieren geht über Studieren; Called Blue Dreams and Naughty Freshmen in the US releases) Will this be the Schulmädchen-Report which finally jumps the shark? Spoiler alert - Nope.  This one falls right in line with the previous German faux-documentaries in the series. However, by 1977 it might have been reaching the end of its run.

 All the Schulmädchen-Report films have to revolve around some "serious" situation involving the increasing sexual liberation of the youth.  This time, the film is centered around a radio show where various representatives discuss the Youth Protection Act.

 The first story begins as usual - in a classroom. 

Martina Behrens is hopelessly in love with Rolf - even letting him cheat off her, then taking the blame.

 Gratuitous shower scene. 

Don't worry mom ((Elke Deuringer), not awkward at all.  Just washing my bush while trying to maintain a conversation.

 It's a blurry filter, but we're shown that Rolf is pounding the hell out of Martina.

 She makes a surprise visit to Rolf's and finds her with another girl (Jane Iwanoff).

 Martina kills herself (!)

Next story: Regine Schmerholz (Karine Gambier) claims her tutor raped her.

She says Werner Hinterkofler (Claus Tinney), her tutor, initiated sex.

 When she refused, he raped her.

One important detail - she says Werner Hinterkofler has a monstrously huge dog.

 Next, it's Werner Hinterkofler's turn to tell his version of the story.

 He said she came very seductively dressed.

 She intentionally drops her books and she's not wearing underwear.

 He claims he refused her aggressive advances and never fell into her trap.

 The clincher; they reveal Werner Hinterkofler's dog is anything but a monstrous dog.  So, that must mean her story is a lie?

 Gila (Inga Werdenigg) desperately wants to not be a virgin.

Her friend Gabi (Alexandra Bogojevic) comes over, who thinks Gila is very experienced, but couldn't be farther from the truth.

 Gabi and Gila arrange to meet a couple guys in a stable where they can all lose their virginity.

 Traugott (Claus Obalski) is more than ready.

 Things start off very awkwardly with Gila being the first to disrobe.

Gabi and Traugott climb up to the hayloft 

 Things get a bit too vigorous and a shelf full of paint falls down on them all.

(lobby card)

 Next story.

 Rautenberg (Angélique Duvier) is a depressed girl.

Actress Angélique Duvier was married to very successful German TV star Friedrich Schütter, with over 100 credits in IMDb.  Duvier pops up in a bunch of these sexploitation films, but she's rarely credited (perhaps she has intentionally erased her "shameful" record?  Just a theory).   

Michaela tries to kill herself by jumping off a bridge onto train tracks, but is saved by her teacher.

 She explains how she became suicidal.  It started by being tricked by these three bikers.

 Back at their place, they rape her.

 They then reveal that they took pictures and use them as blackmail.  

So, Michaela is forced into prostitution/sex slavery.  Here she's presented to a rich old guy.

I have to say, this doesn't make much sense.  The "blackmail" pictures are really more incriminating for them, as they could be evidence of rape.  Why she would agree to become a sex slave just because they have pictures of her having sex is beyond me.

 The men continue to gang rape her on a regular basis.

 At school Michaela feels isolated and alone.

She's brought to a dorm where the guys pay to take turns with her.

 Finally, one of the guys has pity for her and helps her escape.

 She's given help and the police are called.

The final story features a girl named Heidi who's having a birthday party.  Unfortunately, no idea the name of the actress playing Heidi.

Hedchen (Marianne Dupont) and Susi (Sandra Atia) each tell about how they lost their virginity.

Hedchen (Marianne Dupont) came to visit a sick boyfriend and things got physical when she inadvertently reached under the covers.

 I dig those snakeskin platform shoes!

 Susi (Sandra Atia) tells her virginity loss story - just having sex in the hay.

 Heidi (left) agrees to commemorate her birthday by losing her virginity.

The girls set her up with Achim (Heiner Lauterbach) who wanders in while she's still getting dressed.

 They put on a record and get to it, while her friends listen from outside.

But Heidi and Achim are only faking - they just make noises to make the girls think they're having sex.

 The girls are convinced.

 They go back to his place.

Achim actually has no intention of having sex, but when he turns around, he finds her naked.  Clearly she wants to do it for real. And so they do.

This certainly got darker than the previous few with sex slavery, rape and two stories about suicide.  The amount of naked German girls is insane, and well up to the standard of the series. There weren't any real oddities which made it stand out, such as the exorcism in Part 10, or Ulrike Butz absolutely killing it as in Part 6. So, nothing to set it apart, but still a great addition to the series, and still waiting for it to jump the shark.

For a list of all the Schulmädchen-Report films covered on Video Zeta One click the image. 

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