Jul 5, 2020

Professor eroticus (1981)

A Spanish-Mexican collaboration about an uptight sexologist who spends his honeymoon at a sexological congress in a hotel in Mallorca.  Featuring Jorge Rivero, Silvia Aguilar, Hilda Aguirre, Angélica Chain and more.

 Profesor Jorge Figueredo (Jorge Rivero) is a dedicated to the science of sexology.

 Ironically, he's so into his sexology work, he can't afford any time for actual sex with Margarita (Silvia Aguilar)

 They spend their honeymoon at a sexological congress in a hotel in Mallorca. 

 Margarita wants some loving, but his colleagues are knocking at the door.

 The first to arrive is the esteemed president of the society.

Profesors Robertson (Antonio Ferrandis) and Doris Green (Hilda Aguirre) are husband and wife sexologists.

 Profesor Petrucelli (Ricardo Merino) is a suave sexologist.

 Profesor Rosenberg (Alfonso del Real) is an eccentric sexologist, always carrying a houseplant. 

 Profesor Mussy (Alfredo Landa) and his hot young wife Helga (Angélica Chain)

 Finally, Dra. Birley (Rebeca Silva).

 The gang's all here; but Margarita feels left out.  This isn't exactly what she had in mind for a honeymoon.

 To make matters worse, Jorge can't perform in bed.

 Depressed, Jorge goes to the bar and sees a young girl (Sally Sitton) who gives him a smile.  We'll see her again later.

 Dra. Doris Green (Hilda Aguirre) has her eye on Jorge.

 She thinks back to that day on a train when they made eye contact.

Jorge thinks he finally can maintain an erection, but no dice.

 Poor Margarita.  The one hope is that Jorge can develop his erection drug - a precursor to Viagra.

 Jorge seeks advise from Doris who hits on him hard.

 She lets him know the lesson is over - time to put it to the test...

 At that moment Profesor Robertson (Antonio Ferrandis) is at the door.

 Jorge slips out the balcony.

He climbs into the next-door hotel room, where Helga (Angélica Chain) is taking a bath.

 Despite all this - still nothing happening in bed.  Margarita just eats bon-bons.

This starts to cause problems in their relationship - especially when he sees Margarita dancing with Profesor Petrucelli.

A gratuitous nude scene with Helga (Angélica Chain

Jorge, looking for Margarita, goes into the wrong room, and finds the girl at pool bar (Sally Sitton). You'll remember Sitton from her performance in Brujas mágicas (1981).

 I just love spotting vintage electronics.

 Jorge has dinner with Profesor Robertson (Antonio Ferrandis) and Doris (Hilda Aguirre)

He drops his cigarette and goes under the table to retrieve it.  You can imagine the situation this creates.

All hell breaks loose in the climactic scene where the experimental drug gets ingested by some of the sexologists.  The president has inadvertently taken the drug which makes your dick like an "elephant".

Margarita runs through halls, traumatized by the sight.

 She seeks help from Profesor Rosenberg

 Profesor Mussy sees Helga bang guy after guy through a keyhole.

 In all the chaos, Dra. Birley (Rebeca Silva) gets knocked over by the president.

His raging elephant boner causes him to hump madly, and she likes it.

 Margarita says enough of this shit and packs her suitcase.

 Jorge says not so fast.

The end credits let us know he's finally got it. THE END

I suppose you could say this with about any movie (and that's why movie reviews are so subjective and pointless), but I'll say it here: whether you like this film will depend on whether you like this type of movie.  If you like silly madcap comedies with gobs of nudity, this is going to be right up your alley. 

Double Feature: Another movie where everybody is screwing everybody in a hotel is Zimmermädchen machen es gern (1975)


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