(Original title: La noche de las gaviotas) Fourth and final film of Amando de Ossorio's Blind Dead series.
Medieval Spain - George (Oscar Phens) and a woman (Susana Estrada) see the Templars approach.
George is killed and the woman is captured.
She faints and is carried to the Templar castle. Major cleavage alert from Susana Estrada
She's tied up and her heart is cut out.
Present day, 1975. Dr. Henry Stein (Víctor Petit) and his wife Joan (María Kosty) have moved from the big city to this small coastal village.
Creepy as fuck.
It turns out to just be Teddy (José Antonio Calvo), the village idiot.
Joan hears scary noises in the night.
A woman is being led to her death - a sacrificial offering to the undead Templars.
Every seven years, undead Templars ride from the sea for seven consecutive nights to demand the sacrifice of a young maiden.
Joan is again awaken by the sounds.
They suddenly hear a banging and screaming at the door. (From left: Lucy (Sandra Mozarowsky) their house servant, Teddy (José Antonio Calvo) the village idiot, Henry Stein (Víctor Petit) and Joan (María Kosty).
The person at the door is Tilda Flanagan (Julia Saly) who fears she's next to be sacrificed.
Henry has to sedate her.
Tilda's father, Mr. Flanagan (Fernando Villena), comes to retrieve his daughter.
Henry and Joan don't realize they're handing over Tilda to her death.
Tilda is tied to the rocks as the other sacrificial victims.
And here come the undead knights.
These undead look cool as hell.
Tilda is brought back to their lair, her clothes ripped open and she's stabbed.
A very macabre moment as the crabs slowly crawl over Tilda.
Henry and Joan work with Teddy to try and stop this madness.
Their maid, Lucy, is next on the list.
Henry saves her, and they take refuge inside.
This turns into Night of the Living Dead as they barricade themselves inside.
This one almost kills Joan, but is set on fire.
They run to the castle where even more undead rise from their tombs.
Henry pushes over the statue to their demonic god, and it destroys all the zombies. It was that easy?

Double Feature: An obvious choice would be The Fog, but my choice would be another movie where village virgins are sacrificed to the demon god - the bizarre Erotic Ghost Story II (1991)
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