Jul 22, 2020

Girls Who Come To Munich (1972)

(Original Title: Mädchen, die nach München kommen) Released as "The Swinging Coeds" in the US, this is actually a Schulmädchen-Report spin-off by Walter Boos, who had actually directed some Schulmädchen-Report films.  Boos is also the man behind the magnificent Magdalena, vom Teufel besessen (1974) (Magdalena, Possessed by the Devil). The vignettes in this film revolve around the Munich Olympics and the various girls who migrate to the city for jobs. Also, as usual, the American title has absolutely nothing to do with anything - not one coed to be found in this film.

 It's the Olympics in Munich, and we get some cool shots around the city.

Among the attractions - the beautiful women of the city.

Cecile Baron (Elfriede Payer) has taken a job as tour guide for the Munich Olympics.

She breaks the fourth wall... or are we to believe she's being interviewed? It's not clear.

 Cecile lodges with a family in Munich.

I think you can predict what's coming.

 One of the best Girls on Ladders scenes in history.

She becomes the topic of conversation for men of the neighborhood. 

She's pretty "liberated" and sleeps with whoever climbs through her window.

 She even pleasures the virginal "boy" who lives in the home.

The next story features the great Ulrike Butz as Ina Kaufmann, another traveler to the city looking for work.

She gets a job as house servant for the wealthy Brüggemanns.

 Katja Brüggemann (Marlene Rahn) gets naked and makes things awkward.

 Ina pushes her off.  She doesn't swing that way.

 Kurt Brüggemann (Harald Baerow) also takes an interest in Ina.  She does swing that way.

 Their loves session is interrupted when Katja walks in on them, and has the audacity to act appalled.

 Katja has an affair, and Ina catches her.

So, Katja doesn't have a leg to stand on. 

 Ellinor Grünewald (Dorit Henke) is a secretary constantly at the mercy of her horny boss, Leni Kasbauer (Ingeborg Moosholzer)

Leni goes for a massage and is pleasantly surprised to find Ellinor is the masseuse. 

 Leni gets a massive boner and Ellinor smacks it down.  This hurt just watching it.

Christina Lindberg stars in this vignette - as a girl who must work as an escort to make ends meet.  Every review I've read focuses on Lindberg, ignoring that two of the very best German sexploitation stars are both in this film: Ingrid Steeger and Ulrike Butz.  I guess Lindberg has a bit more recognition in the US thanks to her "One Eye" role and some Tarantino love.  But c'mon.  I'm just going to roll past Lindberg's story out of spite.

When it comes to the absolute worst story in the film, it's the one starring Ingeborg Steinbach.

 I'm going to roll past this one as well. Boring.

 Betty (Ingrid Steeger) has come to board with her friend and find work as a model.  Steeger sports a brunette wig in this film.

 She presents her boobs to a photographer, showing she's a worthy model.

 It works and she's soon modeling for the guy.

 Betty tells her roommate about her new job and the dreamy photographer.

 More modeling. 

 She's busted for public nudity.

Betty tells her roommate goodbye - she's got money from the modelling gig and is going to live with the photographer.

 Ingrid Steeger tends to dance naked in almost every film she's in.

 The sex is good, but it doesn't last.  The guy is soon gone and so is her money.

 She moves back in with her old roommate.

 Betty gets a job as a stable girl.

 A beefy farmhand has his way with her.

She's overjoyed at the size of his unit; we presume they live happily ever after.

Not the greatest stories, but with both Ingrid Steeger and Ulrike Butz in the picture, we can look past it.  The first story as well as the secretary/massage story were dumb but a lot of fun; just a couple absolute throwaway vignettes.

For a list of all the Schulmädchen-Report films covered on Video Zeta One click the image.


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