(Original Title: Los plomeros y las ficheras) The usual gang of Mexican comedic actors (Alfonso Zayas, Andres Garcia Rafael Inclán) and the usual gang of Mexican actresses who constantly get naked, including Sasha Montenegro and Rosario Escobar. The story is crazy, all-over-the-place and largely irrelevant, as it just serves as a template to play out silly gags and gratuitous nudity. (Note that "Ficheras" refers to the Mexican sex comedy genre).
Alfonso Zayas plays Rigoberto, an amorous plumber.
Alma Thelma has her toe stuck in the faucet.
Actually really funny. He pushes her underwater to leverage pulling out her toe.
The woman almost drowns. Comedy gold.
This goes on and on. A helluva opening scene.
Rafael Inclán plays Maurice, a flamboyant gay who works at a health and beauty spa.
Pretending to be overboard gay was a common shtick back then; Alberto Rojas was the king of this.
Inclán greets his three clients. There is a ton of bush in this film, as you can see. Lizbeth Olivier is the girl on the left; Viviana Oliva is the center girl (who doesn't look as good as usual with that short hair style).
Lizbeth Olivier gets the first treatment.
As if that wasn't enough full frontal nudity, we see Michelle Mayer in the shower.
Inclán gets knocked into a circuit breaker, which causes the place to explode into chaos.
Tons of naked women running wildly out of the building (Lizbeth Olivier at left).
Princesa Yamal is Zayas's next customer.
Predictably, they're caught in the act by her husband.
Zayas jumps off the balcony onto a conveniently passing mattress truck.
Roberto 'Flaco' Guzmán is a big time gangster with a harem of women.
He meets up with Zayas; there's a whole story here where the police are infiltrating the mob. Agent Moncada is impersonating the gangster Curro, yada, yada.
Sasha Montenegro is a dancer who just can't get hired. She dances in the classical style, and they only want the "new" dancing methods these days.
She meets up with Inclán at a restaurant. César Bono plays the waiter. They use a mouse to get out of paying the tab.
Inclán gets Montenegro a job as a dancer.... but she has to pretend she's a man - in a cross-dressing/transvestite performance.
The crowd loves Montenegro as the "transvestite" dancer. At the end of her routine, she opens the front of her dress and shows she has no breasts and is indeed a man. (But she is wearing a fake piece resembling a flat "manly" chest.)
In the audience is Andrés García (an undercover cop).
He sees Montenegro in the dressing room.
Clearly, she is not a man.
García courts Montenegro, who doesn't know that he knows she's not actually a man.
One of the most insanely oversexed final acts in any movie. Zayas, posing as a mobster, has sex with each and every one of Flaco's five women. From left: Adriana Garcia, Princesa Lea, Rosario Escobar, Eva Márin and Elsa Montes.
Elsa Montes climbs up on a ladder and jumps down upon Zayas.
Zayas provides the requisite funny faces as he's pleasured.
Elsa Montes again; each one of these actresses provides extensive nudity for their scene.
At the end of each "session" Zayas is worn out.
Eva Márin also gets frustrated with his lack of stamina.
Best of all - Rosario Escobar.
No question this is the most graphic scene Rosario Escobar has ever done. I almost wonder if she realized the camera was pointed right up her backside.
Inclán does a cringe transvestite performance that is hard to watch.
The final scene has Zayas popping out of the casket at the gangster's funeral. THE END

Double Feature: For more amorous sexcapades of plumbers, check out El Fontanero, Su Mujer, y Otras Cosas de Meter (1981). Although, you can't do much better than Adventures of a Plumber's Mate (1978)
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