Jul 8, 2020

Los Maistros (1988)

Construction workers and general revelers celebrate el día de la Santa Cruz with music and merriment.  Unfortunately, it's across the street from a rich guy who doesn't appreciate the noise (or the men sneaking into his house).

All manner of merriment going on outside the construction site.  One guy lights a firework.

Pedro Weber 'Chatanuga' is hit in the face with the firecracker as he checks out the commotion across the street.
Chatanuga's wife Luisa (Rebeca Silva) is sufficiently horrified.

The festivities continue.

If you like this kind of music, you'll enjoy this.  Otherwise, hit "FF".

Luisa and Chatanuga take a bath.  No nudity from Rebeca Silva here, but stay tuned.

Chatanuga and Luisa leave their posh mansion.

Chatanuga lets the revelers know how he feels as he passes by.

More partying and music.

With Chatanuga and Luisa gone, the maids let a few of the revelers inside.

Yirah Aparicio plays the maid. Manuel 'Flaco' Ibáñez is the guy on the right.

Yirah Aparicio does a lot of bending over in this film.

A lot of bending over.

In another room, Alejandra Peniche, the other maid, gets it on with one of the workers.

They're startled to find that Luisa and Chatanuga have come back home early.


Luisa and Chatanuga go up to their room and turn on their fancy system of disco lights and hi-fi stereo.  Luisa does a dance.

This "fancy" stereo is revealed as the wall slides up.

Flaco is still under the bed, and is amazed at what he sees.

Chatanuga finds Alejandra in the closet, and helps her escape with Luis' notice (thinking she's there for him).

To help Alejandra escape undetected, he drugs Luisa's drink.

She passes out.  He lays her on the bed and leaves with Alejandra.

Flaco comes out from under the bed and finds Luisa unconscious.

Holy shit.  Are you fucking kidding me?  Flaco rapes Luisa.... if this movie had a laugh track, it would be right here.  Unreal.

They had a camera recording the whole evening; Luisa watches it in bed, expecting it to be a sex tape.  Instead, she sees her no-good husband helping Alejandra, and drugging her.

Next, she sees Flaco raping her while she's unconscious.  And this is her reaction...

She loves it. WTF?

Now she's obsessed with Flaco, this unibrowed construction worker.

Luisa plots a way to get Flaco up here when her husband is at work.

Yirah and Alejandra also work toward sneaking their men inside.

Luisa does a striptease for Flaco.

Yirah Aparicio gets with her man (who has a tendency to bark like a dog).

Chatanuga suspected something was up (and wanted a rendevouz with Alejandra), so shows up unexpectedly.

Yirah's boyfriend sneaks out, but she's caught standing naked by Chatanuga.

 Luisa worries Chatanuga will find Flaco and kill him.

Flaco hides by pretending to be a statue.  This is ridiculous.

 All kinds of mayhem follows...

The guys all dress up as women to avoid getting busted.  But this shit is not even close to funny, and watching these guys in drag is not too pretty.  This couldn't end soon enough.

It began with a simple but funny premise; I genuinely enjoyed the Chatanuga/Silva couple, hamming it up as rich assholes.  Plenty of eye candy as well, with Silva delivering the motherload.  Then it just shits the bed.  The final act where the guys are all in drag goes on forever, and isn't remotely humorous.  Although, more humorous than Silva getting raped while she's unconscious, then becoming obsessed with her rapist.  What the hell was that about?  It's probably best to not think about it too much.

Double Feature: I normally go with VZ1 flicks, but I can't help but propose Parasite (2019) - with it's poor squatters taking refuge in a rich family's house.  


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