(Original Title: Los liantes) Another Spanish comedy starring Andrés Pajares and Fernando Esteso. They are a couple of beach con artists who get in over their heads running a casino scam. Featuring some quality nude scenes (as is expected in the golden age of "destape" cinema.
Amador González (Andrés Pajares) helps a girl strap onto her parasail.
As she's hoisted up, he strategically holds on to her bikini bottoms. So, she's up there naked.
The enterprising Amador sells tickets to view the poor girl from below.
Amador's friend Fidel (Fernando Esteso) also has a scam going.
He takes pictures of ladies going down the water slide as their bikini tops invariably come off.
He then blackmails them.
The brains of their operation is Eduardo (Antonio Ozores). Ozores was a frequent collaborator with Andrés Pajares and Fernando Esteso. Their next scam...
Eduardo sells an old guy (Adrián Ortega) some music, but when the guy reaches for his wallet, it's gone.
Fidel has taken it, but swears it's his. A family heirloom in fact.
The old guy calls for the police.
Amador runs to the rescue (pretending to be a cop). Of course, he's a little delayed thanks to the scenery.
Amador ends up hauling off Fidel in handcuffs.
So, now they have the wallet. But he can't find the key, so they're still cuffed together.
They go visit Amador's girlfriend (Lorna Green).
Naturally things are comedically awkward since they're handcuffed together.
Amador and Lorna Green have sex, and poor Fidel has to sit in the icebox to respect their privacy. Take note of the pronounced scenery censor.
Fidel's girlfriend is a showgirl.
Dolores (Adriana Vega)
Rich guy Sixto Calapeña (Emiliano Redondo), his manicurist (Rocío Freixas), and his secretary Marita (Marcia Bell).
Rocío Freixas was in a bunch of Spanish flicks, often naked - but not this film. [Bacanal en directo (1979), Desenfrenos Carnales (1982), and The Sinister Doctor Orloff (1984)]. The girl in the tanning bed is Maika Grey.
This scene is the heart of the movie. They rig the casino game (thanks to Eduardo's genius) so that Sixto will win as long as Amador is at his side. He'll be the opposite of a cooler - he's his good luck charm.
Dolores (Adriana Vega) is cheating on Fidel with Amador in his shabby RV. But she sees that Fidel is on his way.
She tries to hid in the bathroom, but Amador has another girl over, Macarena (Loreta Tovar).
Fidel and Eduardo arrive; he finds panties that resemble Dolores'. Fidel swears they're not hers - he doesn't have a girl over.
Fidel snoops around the RV and finds Macarana, but incriminates himself...
Dolores pops out from under the bed. She couldn't contain herself, given what she heard.
I fucking love Loreta Tovar; she in so many great Spanish genre films, and always a reliable source of nudity.
Fidel hilariously tries to cover her up with pots and other other nearby kitchen items.
Thus starts an amazing cat fight between Dolores and Macarena. Goddamn glorious.
Man, bring back the "destape" era of - truly a high water mark in the history of Spanish cinema.
It gets better. All this commotion has caused the RV to roll down the hill...
... and into the water. Hilarious!
Back at the casino, Amador continues to be Sixto's good luck charm (AKA "hombre-elefante").
Amador is now a celebrity for his good luck. The gang takes promotional pictures.
Of course, those pictures will have to include naked women. These two ladies are american and they convince them that this is how they do it in Spain. This actress might unbelievably be María Álvarez, but not sure.
Folks line up to get good luck by paying to touch Amador.
Amador has sex with Sixto's secretary Marita (Marcia Bell).
Dolores' stage show is actually pretty good.
Fidel gets on stage like a dumbass. He explains to her that his shady scam artist days are over. He and Amador are going to make a killing at the casino, and they can be more stable and settle down. The good life is right around the corner.
But, of course, they fuck it all up.

Double Feature: Two bumbling comic partners pretending to be people they're not - no one did it better than Porcel and Olmedo. Check out Encuentros muy cercanos con señoras de cualquier tipo (1978)
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