A Schulmädchen-Report style film released as Love Apprentices in the US. It chronicles in its usual style, the sexual situations encountered by girls in Germany's apprenticeship system.... which means they're basically sexually assaulted by bosses and co-workers at every turn.
Annemarie (Renate Heuer) is an apprentice at a fashion workplace.
She has a thing for her master/boss.
She goes up the ladder - and I bet you can guess what we see next.
At home, she fantasizes about him.
Mother (Ruth Küllenberg) washes her back.
She tries to use the ladder to get her boss' attention.
Instead, it arouses the attention of her co-workers who gang rape her (!)
An unexpectedly brutal turn of events.
The next story features a hair salon where workers wear see-through uniforms.
Eva Gross plays one of the workers.
The main character in this story is Marianne Haupt (Marina Blümel).
She meets Claus Tinney (Tinney was in almost all the Schulmädchen-Report films)
They have sex. This is all good... except that he's a pimp.
Marianne (Marina Blümel) gives a little something "extra" at her massage gig.
Like pimps are wont to do, he smacks her around.
Okay, next story...
Franziska Köck (Carmen Jäckel) gets sexually harassed at her apprentice job (surprise!). Her foreman puts a dildo in her lunch box and everyone laughs.
Franziska goes home after a long day.
She goes to a novelty shop.
Franziska offers sex to the foreman.
She proceeds to spray him with itching powder when he's not looking. Now he's got an itch... but he still got to have sex with her. So, I'm not sure exactly how this is some kind of revenge.
Lonis is sexually harassed, like all apprentices apparently.
Lonis grabs a seat with her colleagues as she takes a lunch break. The beauty of these early seventies films is the miniskirts were so ridiculously short, every movement yielded a potential eyeful.
She gets in with a rebellious biker gang
This all leads to the cops coming to their front door. Never get in with bikers, kids. You've been warned.
This dude. Holy shit. He's the most over-the-top nerd, and is constantly bullied.
Jutta Klenk (Karin Götz) is a waitress.
She has some kind of eye twitch which leads the nerd to believe she's winking at him.
Jutta miraculously survives a plane crash. (That was unexpected as hell.)
The nerd comes to her rescue and they have sex after he flies the plane better than the bullying stud (who is presumably dead?).
Between each vignette we hear from a reporter (Hilde Brand)
I love how the background for this scene is basically a gratuitous lineup of naked girls.
Elsa Wagenführ (Manuela Wondratschek) apprentices at a clothing store.
Her boss, Fräulein Schmidtke (Elisabeth Volkmann), clearly has a thing for her.
Elsa thinks about her boyfriend, Tony.
To impress Tony, she steals a bikini. But she's caught by her boss.
Fräulein Schmidtke makes a deal, that she won't report her theft if she comes over her place.
They have sex.
But it's all good. She gets to have her bikini, and Tony too.
Meister Kruttke (Josef Moosholzer) works with his apprentices on electronics repair.
Kruttke has a habit of getting too close to the female apprentices.
Karin (Birgit Tetzlaff) is one of his primary victims.
So, Karin plans a way to get back at Kruttke.
She lets him have his way...
Little did he know, all the apprentices are witness to his bad behavior.
As a final act of revenge, she invites him to their nude ball game. Kruttke is laughed at and bullied. There is altogether way too much of Josef Moosholzer's junk shown in this scene.
Not one of the better Schulmädchen-Report films; the stories were uninteresting and dreadful - every last one sucked. Usually I can look past underwhelming stories if it's packed with nudity (as this was), but this crossed a line. I've read that this film was actually an indictment of the German apprenticeship system, but who cares.

For a list of all the Schulmädchen-Report films covered on Video Zeta One click the image.
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