(Original Title: Hurra... die deutsche Sex-Partei) "Partie" here is meant as Political Party. Yes, Germany has a Sex Party - and I'd say we need one here in the States asap. It certainly couldn't be any worse than either of our two worthless parties.
Lisa Lotz is Rita, head of the Sex Party. She breaks the fourth wall to give us the backstory.
You may remember Lisa Lotz from Liebesgrüße aus der Lederhose II (1974) where she absolutely killed it. She's one of those actresses that was only in a few movies and stole the picture each time, but for whatever reason chose to leave acting as quickly as she stormed into it. Her only other movie was Junge Mädchen mögen's heiß, Hausfrauen noch heißer (1973) which unfortunately seems to be a lost and forgotten film.
The commute to work.
At the Sex Party headquarters we meet the three top volunteers (from left) Helga Bender, unknown, and Stotterin (Renate Markl). She's called Stottering because she stutters every line... which is supposed to be comedy.
Stotterin gets ready in front of a mirror which is oddly on top of a Charles Bronson poster.
A guy puts his dick through the wall, and Stotterin mounts it. (WTF?)
Helga hits his dick with a rolled-up paper. Ouch.
An applicant arrives.
And, of course, there's a view under the table.
I liked this scene. Rita gives a speech to a crowd.
This incites some moral crusaders to protest.
Rita even hands flyers to the children.
Doesn't seem appropriate.
Helga, Stotterin and the other girl are arrested.
The man pressing charges is head of the moral crusaders, Mr. Munk.
The girls are forced to put their clothes back on. They spot a fire extinguisher.
Quite a powerful fire extinguisher.
Stotterin, on the left, continues to deliver that high caliber comedy. Isn't stuttering hilarious?
Roswitha Geuther comes to Rita as she's pregnant.
The third girl (not Helga or Stotterin - I don't know this actress' name) goes door-to-door with their political message.
Cool Steve McQueen poster.
The classic A-frame. Add it to the list.
Stotterin poses.
A random scene with Rita.
This banana scene doesn't quite go where you'd like it to go.
Lobby card
Munk's wife Hilde (Sissy Engl) tries to get him turned on, but it's no use.
They're in the middle of having sex when Rita shows up with Munk.
They hide in the closet; Rita has to prevent Munk from opening them up.
"Guten tag"
Setting up for their next scene, Stotterin stands against the wall, awaiting the actor to enter through the door.
It turns out to be Munk!
Lobby card
A truly random scene where a drunk woman is brought in to the police station.
I don't know the actress playing her, but she does a great "drunk".
(Promotional photograph)
Munk brings the police to bust up the Sex Party.

Double Feature: Another film about a moral crusader out to shut down a sexy operation is Party Favors (1987)
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