Jul 5, 2020

It Smells Like Gas (1986)

(Original Title: Huele a gas) A comedy drama about an ex-champion boxer who now works a blue collar job, and the resulting marital fallout with his celeb wife.  Featuring some big names in Mexican sex comedies from the era including Rafael Inclán, Roberto "Flaco" Guzmán, and Sasha Montenegro.

 It starts with some music by Chico Che y la Crisis on a gas delivery truck.

 Let's meet our three main characters who work for a gas delivery business (from left): Jorge Torres (Víctor Manuel Castro), an ex-champion boxer, and his two friends Chilo (Rafael Inclán) and Chito (Roberto 'Flaco' Guzmán).

 They have to lug these gas tanks up many flights of stairs.  Chilo always has bad luck, so has go up further.  Chito is described as a womanizer, but you only see him hit on one lady.

While Chilo struggles up the stairs, Chito hits on Alma Thelma.

 As he starts to fall, he grabs her boobs.

 Poor Chilo doesn't get a hottie customer - he gets this mean old lady.

 Jorge reads that his ex-wife is in town.

A pivotal scene: Jorge visits Magda del Rio (Sasha Montenegro) a big celebrity.  We learn that he was a big prize fighter, but had to retire due to health reasons.  Subsequently, a bad investment left him penniless. We also learn that he left her, not the other way around - vowing to not return until he had money again.

Magda lashes out in anger, claiming that he always lived off her money, anyway.

 Magda talks with her friend; we learn that they have a child, who currently stays with her and is not allowed to visit Jorge.

 Jorge, Chilo and Chito have dinner with two lovely neighbors...

 Sisters Lorena Zapata (María Cardinal) and Teresa Zapata (Elsa Montes)

The always annoying La Corcholata (Carmen Salinas) comes over as drunken comic relief.

Jorge has a memory of back when he and Magda were still happy and in love.

As luck would have it, that flashback features full frontal nudity from Sasha Montenegro

Chilo is told by astrologer don Lucrecio (Güero Castro) that he's the last descendant of Tutankhamen, and has been cursed by Neptune. This explains his failure with women and constant bad luck.

Jorge tells Teresa and Lorena that he desperately wants to see his son.

 Lorena pleas to Magda on Jorge's behalf.

 She's denied.

 An absolutely incredible gratuitous nude scene from Lorena (María Cardinal).  She spends five full minutes just looking for something throughout the house, fully nude.

 It just keeps going; like she visits every fucking room.

 She's surprised by the presence of Jorge who is just as startled.

 She may have a thing for Jorge, but he's an honorable guy and won't go there.

 Crazy bitch La Corcholata abducts his son.

 A tender moment, but it's short-lived.

The authorities take his son back.

 Oh, the humanity!

Chito proposes to Lorena and she accepts.

 Get ready for my favorite scene in the movie - one of the best scenes in the history of cinema, perhaps.  Chilo visits Teresa.

 After he leaves, she lights the pilot on the stove.

 She catches on fucking fire!

 It gets better.  Chilo takes off her robe and stomps on the flames.

 We get this long, long scene of Teresa butt naked complaining about the burning.

 Chilo applies some ice.

 Whew.  That was a close call.

 Things finally start to turn around. Chilo learns he is not the last descendant of Tutankhamen  and wins the lottery after buying a ticket with the number recommended by a repentant don Lucrecio.

Jorge proves a gas line ruptured due to natural causes, and is rewarded with enough money to buy a fleet of trucks. 

 They have a big celebration.

 Teresa and Chilo are married, as are Chito and Lorena. 

With his gas company a success, Jorge gets back with Magda.

And we end where we started, with a song by Chico Che y la Crisis 

A good dramatic story with some quality laughs as well as great nudity from all the actresses (Alma ThelmaSasha MontenegroMaría Cardinal, and Elsa Montes).  Yet, it's all a bit soap opera-ish, and some boring parts.  But, you gotta love that burn scene - it makes it all worthwhile.

Double Feature: I think you have to go with a Jorge Rivero movie as Jorge's character is clearly a homage to him: he's named Jorge, he plays a former boxer and his character is married to Sasha Montenegro's character (a la the Pulquería series). So, we'll go with the first - La Pulqueria (1981) which also featured Inclán and Montenegro.


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