(Original Title: Escuela de placer) A mansion is turned into a brothel in this Mexican comedy with the same cast as Buenas, y con... movidas (1983) - and same sets, basic plot, etc. Featuring Angélica Chain and Alberto Rojas.
The gang from Buenas, y con... movidas (1983) is taken to a big mansion.
Enrique Cuenca bestows this grand estate to this ragtag group of prostitutes.
The gang tries to come up with a plan of what to do with this place.
Okay. Let's pause. Angélica Chain may be the all-time queen of just random gratuitous nudity. There's no reason for her boob to be hanging out during this long talk, but here it is. This sort of thing happens all the time with Chain.
The same might be said for Lyn May, basically standing here naked except for a see-through body stocking. But she always strikes me as more strange-looking than erotic.
Alberto Rojas, as La Corneta, puts up the sign for their new school of dance, massage and "other services". Of course he plays up the flamboyant gay shtick to the hilt.
So much dancing; these films are nothing if not joyous.
Isaura Espinoza as La Monalisa
Wanda Seux is La Bicicleta. The fact that the cast has the same character names as Buenas, y con... movidas (1983) I can only assume it's a sequel.
La Piadosa (Angélica Chain) is on one channel. He flips it to the next...
La Monalisa (Isaura Espinoza) on the next channel
Isaura Espinoza providing some full frontal as she takes off her panties by a mirror.
More random gratuitous nudity from Angélica Chain as she's delivered a ladder.
The girls rush to his aid.
They form a chain, and all are thrashing about from the electrical shock.
Chatanuga at home. He has a thing for the maid.
Yolanda Ciani is his suspicious wife.
Yolanda plays cards with some friends and they discuss this "dance" school her husband went to.
Her friend, Lorena Velázquez, plans to pay a visit.
Lorena shows up at the institute with her friend Patricia Ferrer
They're both a bit shocked to see Jeannette Mass stroll by topless.
La Bicicleta (Wanda Seux) is summoned to get the ladies ready.
As the ladies get ready, we get a nude scene from Patricia Ferrer
Lorena doesn’t realize she's getting ready to act as a prostitute. A guy in his underwear jumps on her.
Things come to a head, with Yolanda arriving. The gig is up.
The estate is turned into a wholesome school for poor children... or at least that's the way it's made to look.
I've probably left out a thousand stupid gags along the way. As an example, La Corneta lures a cobra from a basket with his recorder. Holy shit this is stupid. THE END
One of the stupidest things you're likely to ever see. However (I've said this a lot lately), with this country circling the drain, it's therapeutic to watch sexy silliness like this. I can't say it's any good, but it's good for you.
Double Feature: Buenas, y con... movidas (1983) would be the clear choice here as this seems to be a sequel of sorts. However, the best choice would be Keep It Up Jack (1974) as this was also about an inherited hotel turned into a brothel.
Double Feature: Buenas, y con... movidas (1983) would be the clear choice here as this seems to be a sequel of sorts. However, the best choice would be Keep It Up Jack (1974) as this was also about an inherited hotel turned into a brothel.
thank you very nice movie.