(Original Title: El sexo de los pobres ) A working stiff can't control himself when he sees beautiful women, and feels compelled to just molest them wherever and whenever. He's brought to trial, and this film is that courtroom drama with stories told by the witnesses.
It's the scene of a big televised trial.
Chloromiro Armendáriz (David Reynoso) is being tried for amoral conduct in a public place
Freddy Fernández is the TV reporter covering the case.
His union lawyer works to get him off the hook, and does a good job.
The women impatiently wait for Chloro's guilty verdict.
A glimpse into the past; a beautiful woman is walking down the street...
Chloro is overcome with lust...
He grabs the woman in broad daylight.
Right there in front of everyone; he doesn't let up until the cops arrive.
Chloro and his buddy from work (Gerardo Reyes) check out a strip show.
The performer is Rossy Mendoza
Chloro is once again overcome with lust. But he can't exactly jump on stage.
Rossy Mendoza's finale is to strip off all her clothes; everyone applauds her bush.
Chloro is actually married.
The TV reporter interviews his wife Inez (Rebeca Silva)
Perhaps the only time I've seen Rebeca Silva in a 1980s film where she doesn't get naked.
Another incident - aboard a bus.
Chloro sees this advertisement on the bus interior - featuring a naked woman.
He fantasizes about the woman in the ad (Olga Rios).
Chloro is unable to contain his lust, and attacks the passenger in front of him.
Rossy Mendoza is brought in to testify.
We learn about the day where Chloro got to meet her in person.
An exceptional scene filmed as if through the medicine cabinet.
We learn about the big incident that landed him in jail. They're filming a commercial at the factory where he works, and Rossy Mendoza is brought in as the actress.
The other workers look like rabid rapists.
As you might've predicted, Chloro can control himself no longer.
And so here we are - and Chloro is found not guilty.

Double Feature: The Ice House (1969) AKA The Passion Pit, also featured a dude with a triggered psychosis, unable to control himself with the ladies (unfortunately, often killing them in that movie). Also featuring a strip club and a central character that is a burlesque performer.
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