Jul 16, 2020

The Day of the Masons III (1987)

(Original Title: El día de los Albañiles) And so we've reached the third in the epic Albañiles trilogy (Part 1 and Part 2). There was at least one more, but it wasn't the same.  The first two featured Angélica Chain and Alfonso Zayas and this one adds Maribel "La Pelangocha" Fernández to the all-star lineup.  And yes, there's more Tun Tun.

 The movie starts right off with a full frontal nude shower scene from Angélica Chain.  This is for no reason except for sweet, sweet gratuitous nudity.

 La Pelangocha, Maribel Fernández, is a maid. Her usual, brash yet likable self.

 Her patrons are a rich and snobby couple.  The woman, Yirah Aparicio, is extremely demanding and bitchy.

 Maribel brings desayuno to the man of the house.

 The man is always grabbing and sexually harassing her.

 Naturally, Yirah blames her husband's bad behavior on Maribel

 This being an Albañiles movie, a lot of scenes take place at the construction site. 

 Our good friend José René Ruiz - known as Tun Tun 

 Lots of silly hi-jinx between Zayas and Tun Tun.  Here the midget hits him in the nuts carrying a wood beam.
 Look out.  Here come the bad guys.  How bad are they, you ask?....

  They hold up a store and literally blow this poor woman away...

 Angélica Chain makes the bad decision to wander into the construction site alone.  The killers are waiting for her.

 A surprisingly graphic rape scene.  
 She's ultimately killed by these bad guys.

 What the fuck? Things sure got dark all of a sudden. Maribel tries to kill herself as she can't be with her lover, Julio.  As she pulls the trigger, an earthquake redirects her aim, and she survives.

 The earthquake destroys the construction site.  Some pretty impressive (and genuinely dangerous looking) shots of the collapse.

 Alfonso Zayas mourns the loss of Angélica Chain; her twin sister shows up to pay her respects (we met her in Part 2)

 A sex scene between Maribel's patrons - with some quality nudity from Yirah Aparicio 

Yirah gets a call from the killers, and we see that the patrons aren't just annoying and entitled, they're also affiliated with murderers.

 Maribel's lover is held hostage.

 Zayas and Tun Tun have a confrontation with the bad guys; the police arrive in the nick of time.

 With her lover Julio back, Maribel quits in grand fashion, clonking Yirah over the head with a frying pan.  (Killing her, or knocking her out, I'm not sure.)

A triple wedding: Maribel marries Julio, Zayas marries Angélica Chain's twin, and even Tun Tun gets hitched.

Definitely a worthy sequel, as this doesn't rest on its laurels one bit. Angélica Chain provides a ridiculous amount of nudity, and things are kicked up a notch with an earthquake and the addition of Maribel Fernández to the Albañiles lineup.  A minor complaint is that, the aftermath of the earthquake gets a bit stale, dragging on for quite a while.  Still, a good addition to the series - I only wish there were more Albañiles movies with the same cast.

Double Feature: Another earthquake flick that would make a great compliment - Quake (1992)

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