Jul 12, 2020

The Day of the Masons 2 (1985)

(Original Title: El día de los Albañiles 2) Sequel to El día de los albañiles (1984) and there would be a few more.  These could be considered vecindad films, which we've discussed before. This one also stars the prolific Angélica Chain.  (My goal is to have as many Angélica Chain and Rebecca Silva movies on VZ1 as we do Rene Bond and Michelle Bauer films.)

The movie starts with a group of hookers getting picked up by johns.

 Yirah Aparicio's john turns out to be a killer.

 He cuts her dress open, then stabs her.

 From that dark scene, we go to a more lighthearted moment with Alfonso Zayas as Roberto.

 He gets it on with the cook.

 The tortillas drop on his bare ass, scalding him.

 Beatriz (Angélica Chain), his main squeeze, catches him.

 One the way home, they come a cross an old friend.

 It's José René Ruiz - known as Tun Tun - pretending to be handicapped.

 We also meet Juan (Luis de Alba) from the original film, who now is dating a fat punk rock girl.

He stops to take a rest, and a woman with amazing legs walks up stairs beside him.

 From this moment on, Juan is obsessed with this mysterious woman.

 The long, sad employment line.

 Rich guy Fernando (Hugo Stiglitz) spots Beatriz standing in line.  He requests a worker bring her to him.

 He makes a pass at her, but she's trying to be faithful to Roberto.

 Juan is busy looting an apartment when the owner arrives home.

 It just so happens, it's the mysterious woman.

 Even more mysterious, she looks just like Beatriz (also played by Angélica Chain)

 Juan hides in the closet.

The woman plays with a stuffed animal on the bed in the sexiest manner possible.

 She gets a phone call, and we find she's somehow affiliated with Fernando.

 Juan is confronted with that annoying punk rock girl as he escapes the apartment.

 Juan basically stalks the woman, totally obsessed.

 This is an albañiles movie, so we get frequent looks at the job site.

 Roberto has sex with Leticia (Arlette Pacheco

 Tun Tun also has sex- with another "small person"

 Roberto gets strapped to get twirled around at hundreds of feet.

 What the hell is this?

 He's sent flying and lands into the apartment of the punk rock girl.

 Juan finally gets somewhere with the Beatriz lookalike, and they have sex in the car.

Juan shows Leticia (Arlette Pacheco) his lizard.

 Little do they realize, this is the last time any of them will see her alive.

 Leticia goes to meet Fernando.

 He throws her down stairs then tries to stab her to death.

 She manages to get free.

 But Leticia is hit by a car.

She's taken back to his place, where he does finally kill her.

 Fernando makes the moves on Beatriz.

 Roberto is getting acquainted with the punk rock scene.

 Beatriz and Fernando have sex.

 A fairly graphic scene, even for Angélica Chain.

 Roberto, meanwhile has landed Beatriz's lookalike who's dressed like a punk rock girl.

 The make out on the Twister mat.

 Juan comes in and breaks it up.

 Juan, Roberto and Tun Tun.

 Using the same bizarre whirling apparatus, they fly into Fernando's place, and find incriminating evidence.

 Tun Tun, Roberto and Juan take on Fernando and his thugs.

 The police arrive in the nick of time.

Beatriz meets her twin.


The first albañiles film also had a dark element with murder, but this was even a bit darker.  Stark contrast to Juan's tomfoolery and Roberto's womanizing.  A good time, and Angélica Chain is in rare form.

Double Feature: You could obviously choose the first movie, but to keep things interesting, I might go with Lady in Waiting (1994).  The vibe is totally different, as it's an erotic thriller.  However, it also features a prostitute killer, and similarly spotlights a super hottie like Angélica Chain - Shannon Whirry. Also involving craven rich guys and a violent standoff at the end. 


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