(AKA: Snow White and the 7 Sadists ) For some reason, in the seventies and early eighties, they felt the need to make a lot of erotic adaptations of fairy tales. It's a great idea, but it was done a lot, and rarely with success. Cinderella (1977) was pretty good, but Cinderella 2000 (1977) was dreadful. This Italian version of the Snow White story is,.. well, let's just have a look.
The king and queen conceive Biancaneve by having sex in the snow.
Now, Biancaneve (Michela Miti) is grown up and is the fairest in the land.
King Agesilao (Aldo Sambrell) in bed with one of the many ladies of the court (Franca Mantelli)
The evil Queen Grimilde Boccasvelta (Damianne Saint-Clair)
She spies Biancaneve through her telescope.
She consults the mirror (topless).
She's first connected to a flamboyantly gay operator (Paride Mensa). Evidently, one version of this film has Eva Lyberten as a fully nude operator - sadly, this is not included in the version I have.
Gianfranco D'Angelo plays the man in the magic mirror.
The queen hires an assassin (Gianni Magni) to kill Biancaneve.
We meet Biancaneve's friend Priscilla (Andrea Albani) and then never see her again. This also makes me think there is another version out there with more nude scenes.
I love that the Queen (Damianne Saint-Clair) wears a completely see through dress with nothing underneath.
Biancaneve is taken to the woods by the assassin.
She's able to avoid being killed using her womanly ways.
Gianfranco D'Angelo's magic mirror shit is unbearable.
Biancaneve finds her way to an inn, and is met with a randy Innkeeper (Franco Bracardi).
He chases her around the table.
Funny, I don't remember rape being in the fairy tale.
She escapes and finds her way to a cozy cottage in the woods.
No one is home. A pail of water is dropped on her, and so she must undress.
The seven dwarfs come home and find her sleeping.
She wakes up, and they allow her to stay with them.
The Queen, disguised as a jogger (?), visits the dwarf home.
The Queen is apprehended after performing her dirty deed.
Instead of being awakened by a kiss, it's a screw from Prince Charming (Mireno Scali) that breaks the spell. THE END

Double Feature: The Brazilian take on the erotic Snow White story is the obvious choice - Histórias Que Nossas Babás Não Contavam (1979); it's better than this, but by no means is it good.
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