(Original Title: Curral de Mulheres) A Brazilian WIP flick set deep in the jungle; one of the sleazier examples of the genre not directed by Jesús Franco.
Edgar (Sérgio Hingst) and Helena (Elizabeth Hartmann) run an Amazon prison which serves as a sex slave operation.
Let's meet the prisoners: Betty (Sandra Graffi) in the middle, the leader of the prisoners, and Angel (Lígia de Paula) on the right.
Newly arrived prisoners, Liz (Elys Cardoso) on the left and Mary (Shirley Benny) on the right.
Liz is singled out by Edgar.
Check out his expression.
Mary is singled out by Helena
Her massage sends Mary into orgiastic convulsions.
Angel tells Betty that Liz is planning an escape.
Betty confronts Liz and they duke it out (with Betty totally naked).
In the evening, all the girls are forced to participate in an orgy for rich customers.
Angel sneaks out during the orgy.
She's discovered by three skinny dippers. Kátia Spencer on the left, Vanessa Alves on the right (unkonwn actress in the center)
Angel is ultimately shot by a group of men, and the three girls are brought to the prison.
Betty asks the new girls about what happened to Angel.
Mary takes a liking to the new girl Vanessa Alves, who's traumatized.
The girls work together to prepare Molotov cocktails.
They escape through the jungle; Kátia Spencer and Betty argue over what to do next.
Vanessa Alves experiences pains, and is assisted by Mary. Incredible gratuitous frontal nudity.
In order to get past an encampment, the girls dress as jungle natives. From left: ?, Kátia Spencer, Liz and Betty.
One of the girls is bitten by a snake.
They have to put her out of her misery.
Betty and Mary get into a huge catfight.
?, Kátia Spencer, Liz and Vanessa Alves watch the battle.
Mary is shot with an arrow in the back before she can deliver the lethal blow.
They find themselves captives in another camp.
They work together on an escape plan; Liz gets naked to act as a dancer to distract the men.
Liz dances for the men, and Betty and the other start setting shit on fire.
Some girls are raped and murdered amid the chaos; Kátia Spencer is one of the unlucky ones.
We also find that Liz is dead.
Hilariously, next morning it's all good. With a select few survivors happily enjoying their freedom, including Betty. THE END

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