This is the moment things changed for Martin (Graeme Blundell). He's a pilot for Blandings airlines, and is basically sexually assaulted by the owner's wife, Lady Blandings (Audine Leith).
Sir Harry Blandings (Alan Hopgood) fires poor Martin. He calls his daughter, Julia, into the room and says:
Julia, take a good long look at him. This is the type of man I've been warning you about. This is a sex maniac.
But the speech has the opposite effect on Julia Blandings (Helen Hemingway); she's obsessed with Martin.
Martin is banished to Banana Airlines, where all pilots go when they've been caught misbehaving.
Paul (Robin Stewart) is currently the one and only Banana Airlines pilot. This guy is constantly up to his eyeballs in trim. The current girl sharing his bed is Inga (unknown actress).
Paul is actually engaged to two Banana Airlines stewardesses: Sally (Deborah Gray) the blonde, and Mandy (Alyson Best) the brunette, and would you believe they're okay with the arrangement?
Sally confronts Paul about his cheating... not with Mandy, that's okay. But his liaison with Inga.
Martin arrives for his first day on the job right as Paul was making it up to Sally under the table.
The girls know Paul's a hopeless womanizer, but that's somehow okay with them. They get the cabin ready for takeoff.
Sally reaches for the overhead compartment, giving the men around her a spectacular view.
Little do they realize, but Julia Blandings has stowed away on the plane to be with her crush, Martin.
Once they touchdown on the island, Paul frequents a local brothel. He's too tired to make it with Mandy, who rides him naked.
Actress Alyson Best delivers quite the full frontal in this scene, as Sally comes to take her turn.
Sadly, no FFN from Deborah Gray but we do get to see her topless.
The next day, the four of them go skinny dipping. It's bad lighting, but if you have quick reflexes on the pause button, you can get some decent glimpses of Deborah Gray.
While on the island, Paul meets with Candy Bubblesv (Luan Peters) who owns a place called Club Candy. She makes a deal with Banana Airlines to be the means of transport to her exotic destination.
On the way to the island, the plane breaks out into a pie fight. Yes, this movie is extremely silly.
"Club Candy - Abandon Clothes All Ye Who Enter Here"
At Club Candy, they deal with a certain problem: every time Martin has sex, he sneezes and loses his erection. Candy promises to cure him.
Martin is subjected to a regimen of naked ladies. First, we get some nude women painting each other... but that doesn't do the trick. As soon as he starts to get a boner, he sneezes and it's gone.
One of Candy's girls gets in a tub with him. The same sneezing bit happens.
A couple more ladies try, with the same frustrating result.
Candy is horrified to hear the report. Club Candy has never known failure before.
Candy Bubbles decides this calls for drastic measures: she'll do it herself.
And we're treated to quite a dance and striptease from the always gorgeous Luan Peters.
Martin sneezes and loses his boner. Candy faints from the mere thought that her dance didn't do the trick.
What's Paul been up to? Sally spots him being chased along the beach by an angry local (for shagging his woman).
Martin, being chased by Julia Blandings (Helen Hemingway) hides behind some boxes in street market. Julia dives in after him, and they end up having sex... and no sneezing!
Everyone's happy: Julia and Martin are together, and even Paul is forgiven by Sally and Mandy. THE END
There's probably a bit too much unfunny silliness here to make it on anyone's favorite comedies list. The dumb pie fight, Martin's odd sneezing, and did I mention it's narrated by Martin's gay fairy godfather... yep, you read that correctly.
I'm on the fence regarding the T&A quotient. While there is a healthy amount of nudity throughout the film, Sally doesn't provide much, Julia only at the very end, and Candy just that one topless dance. Yet, I still really enjoyed it. Nothing wrong with some stupid sexy fun.
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