Jan 5, 2020

La Pulqueria (1981)

An incredibly fun and sexy movie from Mexico where the devil comes to earth and promises to cure a man's impotence in exchange for showing him love.

The story revolves around a pulqueria called La Caida de Luzbel (The Fall of Satan). Before we go further, a word on pulquerias...

They are a place which serves pulque, an alcoholic beverage which is obtained by fermenting the sugared sap from the center of the Agave plant. When this sap is extracted and fermented in barrels you get a white thick liquid with about 5% of alcohol. There are other drinks produced that are based in pulque. These are called “curados” and are made from pulque and fruits or vegetables juice like lemon, pineapple, apple, guava, and tomato.

 A look inside La Caida de Luzbel

On the left is the boss, El Sapo (Xorge Noble), on the right, Ignacio AKA "Nacho" the jicarero.  A jicarero works in the pulquerías and mixes the pulque in a jícaras (a type of container) before being served so that it loses some of its thick consistency.

 Nacho and his sister Isabel (Rebeca Silva). They are poor, without parents, but happily getting by.

 Isabel tends to their grandfather.  He needs heart medicine, but they don't have the money to afford it right now.

 Isabel appeals to El Sapo - not a very nice man, but he says he'll get the medicine for them.  Then we cut to a side story that will converge later...

 Gerardo (Jorge Rivero) is seeing a psychiatrist, Norma Del Rio (Sasha Montenegro), about his impotency problem. He's always been a super stud, and now he can't get it up.  She asks him to describe a previous sexual encounter before he developed this problem...

 He tells her about an encounter with a beautiful blonde (Jeannette Mass) who he gives an expensive gold necklace.

 She says "thank you" by shedding all her clothes.  They then have sex on the couch.

 Norma is wowed by the story (and possibly a little aroused).  She asks for another story from Gerardo.

 He describes an incident where a woman was getting mugged.  Gerardo stepped in and saved her.

 The girl (Isaura Espinoza) thanks him and they go to his place.

 Isaura Espinoza provides some full frontal nudity, then they have sex.  Gerardo then tells his psychiatrist a third and final story...

 He's swimming with five naked women.  

 This is a phenomenally sexy scene.  Gerardo is just picking up and carrying and throwing naked girls left and right.  The first is a blonde played by Michelle Dubois.

 Carolina Magaña is the next girl to get manhandled. 

 The next is Doris Pavel

 Dr. Norma Del Rio is intrigued by these stories to say the least.  Perhaps she, herself, can cure Gerardo of his problem.

Sasha Montenegro was in tons of films and TV programs throughout the 1970s and 80s.  She actually married the President of Mexico, José López Portillo. It was a bit scandalous in that they were married in secret before he was divorced. So, yes, you are looking at the first lady of Mexico butt naked.

 They get down to business.

 But he just can't get it up.  Norma can't see a thing without her glasses (a running gag); she puts them on and is astonished at his flaccidity.

 Gerardo just can't take it any more and decides to kill himself.

 Just then he is visited by the devil (Alfonso Zayas) introduced as "Mephistopheles". He offers to give Gerardo back his manhood if, in exchange, he can let him know what it is to love.  Gerardo, while he may currently have a dysfunctional tool, he still is an expert on the subject, and agrees. 

 A comic interlude, featuring grandpa and a worker from the pulqueria smoking weed.

 The devil lets Gerardo have his manhood back, but only until the cock crows.  He and Norma quickly have mad passionate sex.  Then they take a bath, with Norma bumping into walls due to her poor vision.

 She finally makes it to the tub, and the cock crows.  His erection is gone.

 At the devil's request, they visit the pulqueria.

 They have several rounds of pulques with a local drunk.

 Isabel is reading when she hears a knock at the door.

 El Sapo has brought the medicine for her grandfather.  She thanks him, but he doesn't let the door close.

 He attacks Isabel, ripping all her clothes off as she screams for mercy.

A truly disturbing scene. These Mexican films often mixed horrific tragedy with lighthearted comedy - making scenes like this all the more gut wrenching.

 Isabel continues to scream, and eventually wakes up her grandfather....

 The grandfather sees what's happening and has a heart attack and dies.  The last thing he eyes saw was his granddaughter getting raped.

 El Sapo, seeing the tragedy that he just caused, zips up his pants and leaves.  Poor Isabel now is confronted with the sight of her dead grandfather.

 Rebeca Silva provides full frontal for this powerful scene. Silva was in over a hundred movies and TV shows throughout the seventies into the eighties.  As these Mexican erotic comedies fell out of favor, she transitioned to other avenues, even working on projects in the US such as Mars Attacks! (1996), Public Enemy (1998) and Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman: The Movie (1999).

 You almost feel bad ogling Silva amid such a tragic scene. Almost.

 Back to the other story: Norma pleads with Dr. Martinez to prescribe something for Gerardo.  She will go crazy if she can't have sex with him.  Martinez doesn't have a pill that will work, but he does have an idea...

 Isela Vega plays a high-dollar prostitute that can make even the most impotent man stand at attention.

 Isela Vega was in over a hundred TV shows and movies, most notably, Sam Peckinpah's Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia.

 The prostitute agrees to meet with Norma about her problem.

 Norma puts on her glasses and sees she's stark naked.

 The prostitute goes for a skinny dip.

 Back at the pulqueria, the devil and the drunkard have gone through many rounds of pulque.  Gerardo is despondent - his goal was to hook him up with chicks, not get hammered with a bum.  He sees his chances of getting his manhood back vanish.

 But Mephistopheles is having too good of a time to leave.

 Nacho finds out about what El Sapo did to his sister and punches him.

 There's all kinds of crazy (and troubling) characters that frequent the pulqueria.  Here's just a glimpse at the odd clientele. The police arrive, and El Sapo expresses genuine remorse and repentance.

Well, Gerardo is sad that he could not get the devil to know love.  But Mephistopheles says that's not true.  He found love of a man - the drunk.  Gerardo's manhood is restored! THE END

There were a ton of Mexican erotic comedies in the eighties, and this is among the best I've seen.  I fucking loved it. It mixes goofball comedy with sizzling sexiness with horrific tragedy with a mother-load of exuberant fun.

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