Written by the great George 'Buck' Flower and directed by Ed Hansen, the man who gave us Takin' It All Off (1987). This is not only another entry in the Bikini Movie genre, it's the "save the [blank] by taking off your top" story; an all-too common trope in these movies (ex. Bikini Drive-In (1995) where the drive-in is saved by girls taking off their tops).
An amazingly sexy opening, with Jack (Joe Dusic) approaching a sunbathing girl (Missy Warner) in a bikini that would be illegal on most beaches.
Jack is looking for a certain car wash that he's inherited. Why he decided to ask this girl, I can only imagine, but she can't help him.
She lays on top of his paperwork and when he reaches to get it back, her top comes off and breasts exposed. "Get away from me and my tits, you freak!" she yells. (This won't be the last time a girl is accidentally disrobed in this film. Stay tuned for many more.)
Jack also crosses paths with a beach streaker. This will become important later.
Nearby are five girls and a couple of surfer dudes. He asks them about the carwash location.
The five bikini-clad stars of this film: Sunny (Sara Suzanne Brown), Rita (Neriah Davis), Melissa (Kristi Ducati), Tammy Joe (Brook Lynn Page) and Amy (Rikki Brando).
Their "leader" is Melissa (Kristi Ducati), who you may remember from Sorceress (1995). They've just lost all their vacation money on an edible swimwear investment (which all melted). Melissa sees this car wash as an opportunity to get their money back.
Jack finally finds the car wash, and meets Uncle Elmer (Patrick Wright) who is handing over the failing business to him.
Now we meet the bikini girls at a beach campfire. Amy, the brunette, is played by Rikki Brando. You may remember her from Zipperface (1992) and Buford's Beach Bunnies (1993). As mentioned before, she always stood out as being the hottest, best actress, and the one with the fewest gratuitous nude scenes. According to an interview with Monique Parent, Rikki was always uncomfortable with T&A scenes, and left the business to concentrate on her music career.
Sunny is played by Sara Suzanne Brown) from Mirror Images II (1993) and Test Tube Teens from the Year 2000 (1994).
Rita (Neriah Davis) is the dumb blonde of the group. Stanley (Eric Ryan) convinces her to give him her bikini top to use as a net to catch some fish.
When the other girls stand up to demand that Stanley give Rita back her top, this happens...
He pulls off Amy's top as well, then Sunny's. As he runs away with the girl's tops, Stanley yells: "I'll catch a whole school of fish with these!" If you're keeping track, this is "clothes ripped off" #'s 2 and 3. It will make a good drinking game, as there are more to come.
Meanwhile, Melissa seduces Jack - convincing him to let them be a part of his carwash business - and get a share of the profits.
The girls show up for their first day on the job. From left: Tammy-Joe, Rita, Melissa, Sunny and Amy.
Rita stands outside and brings in traffic wearing a sling bikini.
Things go better than expected - with a traffic jam waiting to get in.
A hair metal song kicks in as we watch a music montage. Rita continues to promote on the street.
Another A-Frame to add to our ever-growing list.
Sunny even does a bit of topless car washing.
On break, the girls clown around, pouring suds on each other. This is a combination of a hair metal music video and the fantasies of a fifty-something male (i.e. George Buck Flower).
Amy and Sunny working hard. This montage goes on for a while - as in, two full back-to-back hair metal rockers.
As if this wasn't already an embarrassment of riches, Melissa delivers full frontal nudity as she changes clothes.
Donovan (Matthew Cory Dunn), the assistant District Attorney, shows up to shut this place down.
But it's love at first sight between Donovan and Amy, who's a political science major, and wants to be a lawyer like him. (I don't know why Tammy Joe always has a camera.)
Bobbie Canova (Kimberly Bee), a lawyer friend of Melissa, saves the day. She presents a legal argument to Donovan. Should we arrest you for having your fly down?
Donovan and Amy make love by the beach.
The girls get ready for another day of work. It looks like Rita has forgotten her bikini bottoms.
She's out there washing cars bottomless. Fortunately, someone notices before the DA's office gets wind of this.
The girls get more and more nude as the movie wears on. By the end of the film, most of the ladies just say fuck it, and wear no clothes at all.
Amy is having difficulty with the vacuum cleaner.
It sucks off the clothes of Miss Hawthorne (Landon Hall), the wife of none other than Judge Hawthorne (Jack Klarr).
This is the final straw. The judge is pissed and the DA (with Donovan) are ready to shut the car wash down.
But Tammy Joe recognizes the DA, A.B. Quinn (John F. Goff), as the beach streaker! He's completely discredited and the car wash is saved.
Bobbie Canova bids farewell to Judge Hawthorne and his wife.
But that vacuum is still acting up...
It sucks off Bobbie's dress. (So, if you're keeping score, this is clothes-ripped-off # 5). Bobbie Canova is played by Kimberly Bee, who I presumed was some sexploitation actress from the previous decade, that I should recognize. Surprisingly, this is her only film role.
More hair metal with the girls just dancing around. Melissa, Rita and Sunny just get completely naked this time. Remember I said the girls get progressively more naked as the film wears on?
The nudity is great, but the music is rather horrible. A taste of the hair metal lyrics:
"You give me hot love, and I'm on fire every night.
You give me hot love, and that's the kind of heat I like."
It's a happy ending, and Jack gets to screw Melissa.
The proceeds from the successful car wash are enough to pay for the girls' vacation fund and Uncle Elmer's medical bills. It ends with Stanley pulling off Rita's top one last time. That's #6, and a fitting way to end the film.
I'm not sure how to even review this. It's nothing more than music videos with nudity. The T&A is utterly constant; I don't know of a film that delivers eye candy with such constancy. However, Buck Flower's script must have consisted of 4 or 5 short sentences. It would be wrong to bash the film for its flimsy story - it's mission is simply to deliver the T&A, and that it does with laser focus; you are never more than a few frames away from boobs.
Watched this yesterday after seeing my childhood favorite, the second one. When Melissa appears full nude at the ending musical number I almost fainted, a good effect at keeping the movie mostly just topless-only until it want to surprise you. Looks like I saw the R-rated version instead of the unrated version, though!