Sep 22, 2018

Cinderella (1977)

An erotic disco fairytale featuring Cheryl Smith as Cinderella and Sy Richardson as the Fairy Godmother.  To say this was odd would be an understatement.

Cinderella is played by the always beautiful, Cheryl Lynn "Rainbeaux" Smith.  We know Smith from Caged Heat, Revenge of the Cheerleaders, Phantom of Paradise, Laserblast and that violent bedroom scene with Sly Stallone in Farewell My Lovely.  She also played drums for the Runaways after a couple members (including Lita Ford) left the group.

Cinderella's evil stepsisters are Drucella (Yana Nirvana) and Marbella (Marilyn Corwin).

This being a musical, Cinderella launches into song, as she spins around and falls out of her top.

 The Queen (Pamela Stonebrook) tells the King that their son needs to find a woman, and quickly.

The news goes out throughout the kingdom - the Prince will have a ball and will select his bride from among the attendees.  Drucella and Marbella and the Stepmother (Jennifer Stace) are delighted to receive an invitation.

Cinderella also receives an invitation.  Her stepsisters offer to help her get prettied-up for the event.

As they smear her with lard, it dawns on Cinderella that they're not being nice.

Cinders are poured on the poor girl.

To add to the indignity, Cinderella must help get the stepsisters and stepmother ready for the ball, which she surely cannot attend.

After they leave, a burglar enters the home.  He's played by Sy Richardson, whom I know best from Repo Man, but he's been in literally over a hundred other movies and TV shows.

The burglar launches into song and starts stealing shit. 

Cinderella, thinking he's an answer to her prayer - a Fairy Godmother, sings along in the tub.

It occurred to me at this part, with Smith having to sing butt naked, how odd it must have been filming this movie.  I have to give it up to Smith and everyone else involved - they all said 'fuck it' and just had fun, no matter how silly and embarrassing it all seemed.

The Fairy Godmother had stolen a magic wand at a previous break-in.  He gives it a try on Cinderella.

It works!  She's suddenly dressed in a beautiful gown with stagecoach waiting outside for her.

One last thing: the Fairy Godmother zaps her coochie, endowing it with special powers sure to impress the Prince.

The Prince's Ball - everyone's dancing to the disco beat.

The girls are chosen one by one to have sex with the blindfolded Prince.

When it's Cinderella's turn, her magical va-jay-jay rocks the Prince's world.

 The King is impressed.

The Fairy Godmother interrupts to pull Cinderella out of the there before the clock strikes twelve.

The King tries to hold onto this mystery girl with the magic p***y; but her Fairy Godmother pulls her free and she manages to escape.

The Prince searches desperately for the girl, having sex with all the women.  But none of the magic box.

Finally, he gives Cinderalla a test, and is again blown away by her magical vaj.  The two live happily ever after.  THE END

I expected to hate this, but it actually pulled me in.  The cocaine-fueled energy is contagious; how can you not love this manic outrageousness?  A disco fairytale with constant nudity, the lovable Cheryl Smith, and Sy Richardson as The Fairy Godmother... amazing.

Will I watch it again? Probably not.  But for sheer curiosity and batshit insane fun, it's worth a look.  They just don't make shit like this anymore.


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